Science teacher Evelyn Rivera Velázquez receives AAAS Caribbean Division’s Lucy Gaspar Award for Excellence in Science Education.

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AAAS Caribbean Division

Professor Evelyn Rivera Velázquez is the winner for 2015 of the Lucy Gaspar Award for Excellence in Science Education. She has been a middle and high school science teacher at the Colegio Bautista de Caguas (CBC) since 1994.

Professor Rivera obtained a bachelor’s degree in Science Education from the University of Puerto Rico, Cayey campus, and is currently enrolled in the master's degree program in Environmental Science at the University of Turabo. She also has an extensive list of continuing education courses and workshops that have enabled her in the implementation of several programs at her school.

Professor Rivera participates in the Minority Science Partnership Program from Universidad del Turabo and she is Coordinator of the CBC Science Program. Also, she has participated in school programs that promote recycling and environmental education.

She has been counselor for the teams of students that have successfully represented the CBC in many science competitions. She has received numerous awards, both by students and peers, among them Teacher of the Year in multiple occasions, and several mentions on Who’s Who Among American Teachers.

The AAAS Caribbean Division was founded in 1985 to create a hub for AAAS members in all of the islands and countries in the Caribbean region, from Venezuela, up through the Dominican Republic and Haiti, to Mexico's Yucatán Peninsula. The meeting theme and the program, which includes invited speakers from Jamaica and Haiti, reflects the Division's goal of engaging members from across the Caribbean.

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