Worry about public and health services

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By Mildred Rivera Marrero / end.mrivera1@elnuevodia.com endi.com A study made by students of the University of Puerto Rico (UPR) in Cayey revealed that residents of the Toíta community are worried about public and health services in the area. However, this project of the summer school of the Institute of Interdisciplinary Research failed to accomplish its initial goal of tying the health state of the residents of the biggest community in Cayey with the environmental and social factors that surround them. The people interviewed for the study did not establish this connection. “That relation, between the health of the people and the environmental effects is something that they (the students) could not reach. What they did find was that there are differences within the community of Toíta, that it’s not homogenous, and that any intervention done by the municipality must be different because the neighborhood has its differences”, explained Ismar Godreau, director of the Institute. The data was obtained during visits and interviews done to residents’ older than 21 years, during June 3, 6, and 7. Altogether, the students interviewed 62 people. One of the findings is that 27.4% of the interviewed people expressed preoccupation for the health of their neighborhood. In a related subject, 50.82% of the people said that trsh removal was good, 37.7% thinks that the service is fairly good, and another 11.48% said that it is bad. On the other hand, in Parcelas Viejas, 43.5% of the people affirmed that the quality of the water is good, 6.45%, said that the quality of the water is bad and 1.62% indicated that does not know. While, in Parcelas Nuevas, 63.3% of the interviewed indicated that the quality of the water is to fair, and a 37% thought that the water is good. Also, the study revealed that the opinions on the state of the highways in both sectors are divided and that in Parcelas Nuevas 59,1% of the interviewed indicated that the conditions of the public routes are regular; 52,6%, think that they are in bad conditions. In Parcelas Viejas, 40.9% thought that the highways are regular, and 47.4%, that are in bad conditions. With respect to the access to health services, in general, 33.87% of the participants thought that it is good. But 32.26% said that the access is to regular, and 24.19% affirmed that it is bad. The results were shared with the municipal government of Cayey.