Field Volunteer Needed for Anolis Research in Puerto Rico

Greetchen Díaz-Muñoz's picture


Field Volunteer Needed for Anolis Research in Puerto Rico

I am looking for two field assistants to survey populations of Anolis
cristatellus in Puerto Rico from July 21 - August 15, 2013. This project is part of my dissertation research at the University of Massachusetts Boston. Our activities will involve habitat surveys and morphological data collection. Daily activities include searching for and capturing lizards in both forest and human dominated habitats (i.e. suburban neighborhoods). We will work long hours on most days (beginning 7-8am), with about half of the day in the field and half indoors collecting data. Assistants will also have the opportunity to attend the Caribbean and Latin American Boid Meeting, which will be held in Puerto Rico while we are there. Applicants should be physically fit and be prepared for very hot and humid work conditions. Applicant must be able to work independently and be comfortable handling lizards, should be enthusiastic about reptiles, and have a good work ethic. Ideal applicants will have research or field experience with herpetofauna and be conversational to fluent in Spanish. This opportunity is unpaid, but all expenses (airfare
from the US, food, lodging, and incidentals) will be covered. For more information about the Revell lab, see:

If interested, please contact Kristin Winchell: with a brief letter describing why you are interested in this position and any relevant research experience along with your CV and 2 professional references that I may contact by email. I will review applications as they arrive until the positions are filled.
Revell Lab @ UMass Boston
Research in the Revell lab takes place in two main areas: evolutionary ecology of lizards; and compu...

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