Hispanic-Serving Health Professions Schools - Professional Development and Data Systems Workshop

Elvin Joel Estrada Garcia's picture




On July 25 to 26, the Hispanic-Serving Health Professions Schools (HSHPS) is conducting a professional development and data systems workshop in Bethesda, Maryland, for junior faculty, post-doctoral students and doctoral students interested in Hispanic health research.


The two-day workshop is aimed to help prepare scholars interested in Hispanic health research strengthen their skills and knowledge to perform analytical studies of national and state health datasets to better contribute to Hispanic health care research and provision of adequate health care to Hispanics and other underserved populations. To learn more about the workshop, visit http://www.hshps.org/events/faculty-development-workshop/2013


Workshop Travel Awards: Scholars Program

Ten students and faculty from HSHPS member institutions will be selected as the first cohort of the HSHPS Health Services Research Scholars Program. The 12-month program will provide travel awards to attend the workshop. Participants are expected to:

  *            Attend pre & post workshop activities on the evening of July 24th and July 26th.

  *            Complete four (4) evaluation forms to track progress

  *            Attend four (4) two-hour online courses on datasets and scientific writing

  *            Participants will be responsible for identifying a mentor during the workshop

  *            Engage in analytical studies of state or national datasets to study Hispanic healthcare research topic with the intent to publish in a peer-reviewed journal.


To learn more about the program, visit http://www.hshps.org/faculty/research-scholars



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