Mejora tus destrezas en las escritura de propuestas y comunicación científica - Postdocs y Senior PhD Students en Microbiologia

Giovanna Guerrero-Medina's picture



Wednesday, 15 May 2013


ASM Kadner Institute (KI)

Looking to Improve Your Grant Writing Skills as well as Explore Career Options?

Check out the Kadner Institute


General Information on the 2013 ASMGAP (KI):

Institute Overview 
The Committee on Graduate and Postdoctoral Education seeks applications from graduate students and postdoctoral scientists for the 2013 ASM Kadner Institute, formerly known as the Graduate and Postdoctoral Summer Institute in Preparation for Careers in Microbiology.

The goal of the Institute is to provide intensive and closely guided experience in five key topics important for choosing and succeeding in a microbiology career. These topics include:

  • Opportunities and preparation for diverse careers in microbiology
  • Preparations, review and critique of research proposals
  • Scientific presentations and communication
  • Effective teaching methods
  • Development of professional standards in microbiology

Participants will have an unique opportunity to enhance their skills in various areas of grantwriting and scientific communication, to learn about the rewards and preparation for various careers in microbiology, to help their professional development as microbiologists, and to participate in a demanding and intensive, yet enjoyable and constructive experience with both peers and senior microbiologists from around the country.

The Institute will provide hands-on experience in preparation and review of a research grant application and presentations of a short research talk, combined with personalized guidance in grant preparation and presentation and teaching techniques. Participants will be guided in small groups by members of the Committee and additional faculty members. Participants will be expected to develop a brief grant proposal and a research presentation from their own research activities or another topic of their choice. They will receive both group and individual advice on effective scientific communication in these formats. Each research proposal will be reviewed by other participants and the faculty, allowing constructive criticisms of the presentation and a scientific review of the proposal. Discussion, workshops and practical advice will be provided in teaching and presentation techniques, allowing opportunity for constructive review and improvement.

Participants will have opportunities to meet in groups and informal settings with microbiologists from a variety of career paths, such as major research universities, undergraduate and community teaching settings, biotechnology industry, public policy, clinical microbiology and public health. Each microbiologist will discuss the challenges and opportunities in his/her career choices and provide advice for preparation for entry into that setting.

A case-study approach addressing timely and important ethical and professional issues affecting microbiologists will be presented and discussed in groups.

Participants will be chosen with the goal of bringing a broad range of experiences and career goals to the Institute. For example, every effort will be made to select participants representing scientific, geographic, racial and ethnic diversity.


Senior level Ph.D. students and early career postdoctoral scientists who meet the following are eligible to apply:

  • ASM student, transitional or full member,

  • Have established a research project in the microbiological sciences,

  • Have passed their qualifying exams and been admitted to candidacy for the Ph.D. degree (if graduate student),

  • Postdoctoral fellows should be early stage (usually within the first three years post-doctoral) and have not accepted a permanent position

To apply for the Institute, one must be an ASM student, transitional or full member. If you wish to join ASM, the membership form can be printed from the web site or requested by contacting . Past participants are not eligible to apply.

Applications will be reviewed according to the criteria listed below. Once an applicant has been accepted and confirmed his/her participation in the Institute, he/she will be required to pay a registration fee to cover expenses for meals, hotel, ground transportation and breaks.

Criteria for Selection

Applicants will be selected based upon four criteria:

  • Career goals. The proposed training is aimed at individuals who are pursuing careers in the microbiological sciences.
  • Prior experience. The proposed training is aimed at individuals who are seeking this experience for the first time.
  • Academic preparation. Applicants should demonstrate that they have the academic preparation to benefit from this introductory training.
  • Research experience. Applicants should demonstrate that they have an approved research project, conducted the preliminary experiments, and are at the step to solicit funding for continued research.

Participants will be chosen with the goal of bringing a broad range of experiences and career goals to the Institute. For example, every effort will be made to select participants representing scientific, geographic, and racial and ethnic diversity.



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