Oportunidad de Investigación Post-bachillerato: NIH Academy (Deadline 01/31/2010)

Giovanna Guerrero-Medina's picture


Esta es una excelente oportunidad para estudiantes que esperan completar sus estudios de bachillerato en mayo/verano 2010 y a los que les gustaría expandir su experiencia investigativa antes de solicitar a la escuela graduada o de medicina. Los Institutos Nacionales de Salud (NIH) son muy prestigiosos y se puede hacer investigación de alto calibre. El campus también cuenta con un gran número de estudiantes post-bachillerato y estudiantes graduados y postdocs de todas partes de los EEUU y Puerto Rico. Si algún miembro ha participado en este programa en el pasado, por favor incluyan aquí sus consejos de como llenar la solicitud, que laboratorios son buenos, y cuan bueno es el programa. ******************************* The NIH Academy is a post baccalaureate program that provides opportunities for recent college graduates to spend a year engaged in biomedical investigation at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in Bethesda, Maryland. The mission of the Academy is to enhance research dedicated to the elimination of domestic health disparities through the development of a diverse cadre of biomedical researchers. To be eligible for consideration, candidates must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents and have graduated from an accredited U.S. college or university. You must also be a recent college graduate (meaning that the Academy start date, at the end of August, is less than a year after your graduation from college with your first Bachelor's degree). The stipend for the NIH Academy fellows is $30,136, which is slightly higher than the average first year Postbaccalaureate IRTA Fellowship stipend. This higher stipend is provided to help subsidize the rent, because this is a residential program. http://www.training.nih.gov/student/pre-irta/irtamanualpostbacAcademy.asp PROGRAM DESCRIPTION For Recent College Graduates* The NIH Academy is a postbaccalaureate program that provides opportunities for recent college graduates to spend a year engaged in biomedical investigation at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in Bethesda, Maryland. The mission of the Academy is to enhance research dedicated to the elimination of domestic health disparities through the development of a diverse cadre of biomedical researchers. Health disparities are differences in the incidence, prevalence, mortality, and burden of disease and other adverse health conditions that exist among specific population groups in the United States. While in this program participants work side-by-side with some of the leading scientists in the world in an environment devoted exclusively to biomedical research. In addition, there are two educational components to the program: seminars and workshops on topics related to health disparities and general knowledge and skills-development workshops. In order to encourage peer mentoring and facilitate interactions among members, the NIH Academy is a residential program. Two trainees share two-bedroom, one-bath apartments located within walking-distance of the NIH Bethesda main campus. NIH Academy fellows are expected to initiate the application process for graduate and/or medical school during their term at the NIH. The duration of the program is normally one year, but the fellowship can be extended for a second and final year provided the performance of the trainee is satisfactory and continued support by the laboratory is available. If you are applying to the NIH Academy, we recommend that you also apply to the Postbaccalaureate IRTA program. Both programs offer a challenging laboratory experience. The NIH Academy is only able to accept a maximum of sixteen trainees a year. These are trainees who have demonstrated a well-defined interest in health disparities (please use your cover letter to explain your interest in health disparities). However, the Postbaccalaureate IRTA program selects a much larger number of trainees who have a broad scope of research interests. Prospective candidates must apply online at http://www.training.nih.gov/transfer/academyapp The application period is October 1st through January 31st, annually.


Daniel Alfonso Colón-Ramos's picture

Yo tengo una estudiante graduada en mi laboratorio quien participo en este programa antes de solicitar a escuela graduada. Dice que la experiencia fue fabulosa, y la ayudo mucho a entrar a escuela graduada, y a definir sus intereses de investigacion temprano.