San Diego NIAAA T32 Postdoctoral Position Opening Announcement
Submitted by Giovanna Guerrero-Medina on
The SDSU/UCSD T32 alcohol research training grant funded by NIAAA is accepting applications for 2025-2026 Postdoctoral Fellowships in San Diego, CA. These fellowships are aimed at training entry level postdoctoral scientists interested in conducting research contributing to the understanding of the treatment, biological underpinnings and consequences of alcohol use disorders including prenatal alcohol exposure. Fellows will conduct research with their mentor, including comprehensive literature reviews and participation in data collection and analysis. Trainees are expected to become involved in manuscript and grant writing, to participate in alcohol research training program seminars, and to present at the annual RSA meeting. Postdoctoral appointees are supported for twelve-month, full-time appointments with the ability to receive up to two years of support based upon acceptable progress during their initial year. Qualified candidates must be a citizen or a noncitizen national of the United States (or permanent resident) and have completed their doctoral degree requirements in the clinical and behavioral sciences prior to their date of appointment.
Faculty mentors include Drs. Edward Riley (Director), Andrea Spadoni (Co-Director), Sarah Mattson (Assoc. Director), Susan Tapert (Assoc. Director), Robert Anthenelli, Sandra A. Brown, Mariana Cherner, Kelly Courtney, Jay Giedd, Igor Grant, Joanna Jacobus, Susan Kiene, Thomas Marcotte, Ksenija Marinkovic, David Moore, Sonya Norman, Abraham Palmer, Will Pelham, Sandra Sanchez-Roige, Marc Schuckit, Jennifer Thomas, Natasha Wade, and Tamara Wall.
To apply, please complete the online form (link available at and submit your CV, personal statement, and three reference letters per the website instructions. Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis and reviewed until all spots are filled. Complete applications received by Dec. 31, 2024 will be provided with decisions by late January 2025.