Solicita al 2017 WiSci Girls STEAM Camp, un campamento para niñas entre 15-18 años
Submitted by Mónica Ivelisse Feliú-Mójer on
The applications for WiSci Malawi, taking place July 30-August 15, 2017 at the Malawi University of Science and Technology are open! We are excited to welcome young women of Malawi, the United States, Rwanda, Liberia, Uganda, Zambia and Tanzania from the ages of 15-18 to apply to learn STEAM skills (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art & Design, and Mathematics) hands on with instruction from the likes of Intel and Google, and more. The curriculum of the two-and-a-half week camp will focus on using science and technology to make a safer, more secure world.
We are looking to great organizations like you to help get the word out to eligible young women to apply, and connect our office with organizations that might be allies for the WiSci camp. Here are some links that will prove helpful and provide information about WiSci Malawi:
· Application Page:
· FAQ Page:
· Malawi Page:
The 2017 WiSci Girls STEAM Camp is organized by the U.S. Department of State, United Nations Foundation’s Girl Up campaign, the Intel Corporation, and Google with support from KGaA Darmstadt, Germany. WiSci 2017 is being implemented by World Learning.