Taller gratuito para estudiantes graduados sobre como publicar tu trabajo (American Physiological Society)

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Monday, 18 November 2013

APS PST Course, “Professional Integrity: Best Practices for Publishing Your Work”


January 16-19, 2014, Lake Buena Vista, Florida

Application Deadline: November 18, 2013

Don’t miss this opportunity to take the new APS Professional Skills Training (PST) course for FREE!  APS is currently accepting applications for a FREE 4-day live course (travel included) entitled, “Professional Integrity: Best Practices for Publishing Your Work” where early career graduate students get to:

•  Work directly with highly experienced journal authors and editors to learn how to recognize, anticipate, and address common problem issues that arise during the preparation of their manuscripts. 

•  Join in discussions and activities that focus on best practices for preparing their work for publication.

•  Network with senior faculty and students in a relaxed and pleasant environment.

•  Provide constructive feedback about the course to help APS revise and improve the presentation materials. Your input is essential to the success of this course!

“Professional Integrity” is the newest edition to APS’ Professional Skills Training (PST) course series.  This PST course is designed to promote a better understanding of how to prepare a manuscript for publication with professional integrity. APPLY at www.the-aps.org/integrity (Deadline is Nov 18!).

The course will take place January 16-19, 2014 at the Disney Contemporary Resort in Lake Buena Vista, Florida. The course is subsidized by a grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) so the following expenses are PAID: course registration, meals, hotel, travel, and ground transportation in Orlando. 

Who should apply? Graduate students who have written and submitted at least one meeting abstract and presented at least one poster. NO current manuscript or poster is required for this course. Please apply or encourage trainees in your laboratory and department to apply for this course by visiting www.the-aps.org/integrity. Participants will be selected based on application information to include a diverse group of graduate trainees.

The course teaching modules presented will be revised based upon the comments and critiques of the students and instructors.  The revised materials will be available to use in graduate Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) courses. If you have any questions about the course, please contact Christina Bennett, PhD, APS Publications Ethics Manager at cbennett@the-aps.org.



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