Science News

Collaborations with various media allow us to create a bank of science news of relevance to the Puerto Rican and Hispanic communities and give a venue that our scientific members can use to keep their communities informed and engaged with science.

Also, the news archive can be used as a resource for students and educators

In this section you can find: news written by members of the CienciaPR team and written by other news media and which are reproduced with permission from the original source.

If you want to collaborate with CienciaPR in writing an article, please read this writing and editorial guide and then contact us.

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Medical treatments react to differences in DNA

This article is reproduced by CienciaPR with permission from the original source.

CienciaPR Contribution: 

The Professional is a member of CienciaPR

This article discusses how mutations in the DNA of different ethnic groups can affect the response to drug treatments.

The original version of this article is in Spanish. You can read it by clicking on ESPAÑOL on the top right of your screen. You can also contact us at


Puerto Rican contributions to astronomy highlighted by Physics Today

This article is reproduced by CienciaPR with permission from the original source.

CienciaPR Contribution: 

The Professional is a member of CienciaPR

The magazine Physics Today recently highlighted the research of Dr. Sixto González at the Arecibo Radiotelescope and the contributions of late Dr. Víctor Blanco, after whom the telescope in Cerro Tololo, Chile is named.


The original version of this article is in Spanish. You can read it by clicking on ESPAÑOL at the top right of your screen.


New species of lichens discovered in El Yunque

This article is reproduced by CienciaPR with permission from the original source.

CienciaPR Contribution: 

The Professional is a member of CienciaPR

Scientists have discovered two new genus and 12 species of lichens at El Yunque National Forest.


The original version of this article is in Spanish. You can read it by clicking on ESPAÑOL at the top right of your screen.



Kingbird "Pitirre": emblematic bird

This article is reproduced by CienciaPR with permission from the original source.

CienciaPR Contribution: 

The Professional is a member of CienciaPR


Raúl A. Pérez-Rivera

This article discusses the Tyrannus dominicensis specie.

The original version of this article is in Spanish. You can read it by clicking on ESPAÑOL on the top right of your screen. You can also contact us at

The author is a professor at the University of Puerto Rico in Humacao.


A rainy century

This article is reproduced by CienciaPR with permission from the original source.

CienciaPR Contribution: 

The Professional is a member of CienciaPR

Diffferent agencies and Universities colobarated to understand the weather conditions, including Dr. Ángel Torres Valcárcel and his colleagues at Purdue University.

The original version of this article is in Spanish. You can read it by clicking on ESPAÑOL on the top right of your screen. You can also contact us at


Science: in English, Spanish or Bilingual?

This article is reproduced by CienciaPR with permission from the original source.

CienciaPR Contribution: 

The Professional is a member of CienciaPR

In a study published in Critical Inquiry in Language Studies scientists at the University of Puerto Rico in Mayagüez looked at bilingual literacy in Puerto Rico, a country where instruction is predominantly in Spanish and science teaching at the college level often involves the use of both English and Spanish. The authors found professors used three main strategies: using mostly Spanish and English when referring to technical terms; using bilingual teaching materials and diagrams; and assigning English-language readings but discussed them in Spanish.


Science: in English, Spanish or Bilingual?

This article is reproduced by CienciaPR with permission from the original source.

CienciaPR Contribution: 

The Professional is a member of CienciaPR

In a study published in Critical Inquiry in Language Studies scientists at the University of Puerto Rico in Mayagüez looked at bilingual literacy in Puerto Rico, a country where instruction is predominantly in Spanish and science teaching at the college level often involves the use of both English and Spanish. The authors found professors used three main strategies: using mostly Spanish and English when referring to technical terms; using bilingual teaching materials and diagrams; and assigning English-language readings but discussed them in Spanish.


How do we avoid spending money in nutritional supplements that do not work?

This article is reproduced by CienciaPR with permission from the original source.

CienciaPR Contribution: 

The Professional is a member of CienciaPR

In a recent article titled Enough Is Enough: Stop Wasting Money on Vitamin and Mineral Supplements published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, written by Eliseo Guallar, Lawrence Appel, Edgar Miller (Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health), Saverio Stranges (Warwick Medical School, UK), and Cynthia Mulrow (American College of Physicians) highlight the scientific evidence that nutritional supplements do not work to prevent chronic illnesses.



Species that needs protection

This article is reproduced by CienciaPR with permission from the original source.

CienciaPR Contribution: 

The Professional is a member of CienciaPR

A study published in the Journal of Wildlife Management indicates that the population of the pigeon Patagioenas squamosa has significantly decrease in the last 25 years.

The original news story is in Spanish. To read the full text, please click on the "Español" button below or the link at the top right of the page.



Traces of psychotropic drug in indigenous tool related to the Taínos

This article is reproduced by CienciaPR with permission from the original source.

CienciaPR Contribution: 

The Professional is a member of CienciaPR

Dr. Jaime Pagán Jiménez isolated 'cojoba' starch, a psychotropic drug, in a tool related to the Tainos natives in Ceiba.

The original news story is in Spanish. To read the full text, please click on the "Español" button below or the link at the top right of the page.



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