
Conversation about the life and work of the pioneer in astronomy dissemination

This article is reproduced by CienciaPR with permission from the original source.

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The Astronomy Society of Puerto Rico invites the general public to a conversation about the life and work of Gregoria Garcia. Garcia, an astronomer and professor, was a pioneer disseminating astronomy around the island. 

For the full article, please refer to the spanish version of this site. 



Marcel Agüeros: The junction of world-class astronomy and passion for diversity

Elizabeth Padilla-Crespo's picture
Dr. Marcel Agüeros
Dr. Marcel Agüeros

It’s that time of the year again: the smell of charcoal, children gleefully splashing water at the beach, frozen lemonades, and endless warm nights staring at the mystifying skies… Did you know that some of the stars you see are bigger and brighter than our sun? That some of them don't exist anymore since their light travels millions of years to reach us?  Astronomy, one of the oldest sciences, helps us understand objects and matter outside the Earth's atmosphere—stars, planets, comets, galaxies and black holes—and their physical and chemical properties. 

Dr. Marcel Agüeros has made astronomy his life's work and passion. 

His Astronomical Journey

Art-science: Dissemination of science through art

Yaihara Fortis Santiago's picture
Dr. José Francisco Salgado, astrónomo, fotógrafo, artista visual y educador, en el Observatorio de Arecibo (Arecibo Observatory, Arecibo, Puerto Rico, 28 Nov 2007). . Derechos de autor: Foto por Jorge Rodríguez, © 2007 José Francisco Salgado, PhD
Astronomer, graphic artist and photographer José Francisco Salgado at the Arecibo Observatory, Arecibo, Puerto Rico, 28 Nov 2007. Copyright Photo by Jorge Rodríguez, © 2007 José Francisco Salgado, PhD

Becoming a scientist is a very individual process and can involve different paths as we discover and combine diverse experiences and interests. Although the trajectory to becoming a scientist is something very personal, finding a way to merge our passions is one of the most important things that we can do to ensure professional success, especially in the sciences. This was the case for astronomer, graphic artist and photographer José Francisco Salgado.

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