Initial Public Health Laboratory Response After Hurricane Maria — Puerto Rico, 2017

This article is reproduced by CienciaPR with permission from the original source.

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Hurricane Maria made landfall in Puerto Rico on September 20, 2017, causing major damage to infrastructure and severely limiting access to potable water, electric power, transportation, and communications. Public services that were affected included operations of the Puerto Rico Department of Health (PRDOH), which provides critical laboratory testing and surveillance for diseases and other health hazards.


Apply for the CDC Evaluation Fellowship Program 2017

Mónica Ivelisse Feliú-Mójer's picture

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) seeks applicants for the 2017 class of the CDC Evaluation Fellowship Program. This is the 7th year of this initiative, and represents a major commitment by CDC to program evaluation and program improvement.





Improved management of Zika virus in Puerto Rico through health literacy

Jaime Andrés Aponte Ortiz's picture

Health literacy refers to the capacity of an individual to obtain, process, and understand basic information regarding their health in order to make the most appropriate health-related decisions. This knowledge may define the individual’s concerns about preventive measures, treatment outcomes, relevant costs, or any other related issue.

The spread of the Zika virus and its consequences are a clear example of how, in some cases, the lack of literacy can define how we deal with these situations.  Examples that influence the decision-making capacity include but are not limited to the lack of information and educational tools and misinformation being communicated by unreliable sources.

Emphasis on the monitoring and education function of the Vector Control Unit

This article is reproduced by CienciaPR with permission from the original source.

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The Puerto Rico Science, Technology and Research Fund announced that they would create and manage the Vector Control Unit of Puerto Rico whose primary function will be the creation of an exhaustive program to reduce aedes aegypti mosquitos.

For the full article, please refer to the spanish version of this website. 



Puerto Rico receives 13 million from the CDC to investigate Zika virus

This article is reproduced by CienciaPR with permission from the original source.

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The CDC granted $13 million to establish a vector unit in Puerto Rico.

To read the full article visit the Spanish version of this site.



Vector Control Unit of Puerto Rico

This article is reproduced by CienciaPR with permission from the original source.

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The Puerto Rico Science, Technology and Research Trust  (PRSTRT) announced the establishment of the Vector Control Unit of Puerto Rico after receiving official announcement of the Center for Diseases Control & Prevention (CDC) for a collaborative agreement for this purpose. Such collaborative agreement will give the Trust a grant to create, manage and operate this unit.


Projections point towards an increase in ZIka cases

This article is reproduced by CienciaPR with permission from the original source.

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Marga Parés Arroyo

850,000 people are projected to become infected with zika virus by the end of this year, representing a fourth of Puerto Rico's population and surpassing the initial projections anticipated by the CDC.

For the full article, please refer to the spanish version of this site. 



What is the Zika virus?

Francis Heber Gonzalez's picture

By Natalia Rodríguez Jockovich.

Zika is a mosquito-borne virus that is known to circulate in tropical climates and has caused disease outbreaks in Africa, Asia and the Pacific, and most recently in the Americas. The symptoms of Zika are similar to those of dengue and chikungunya, diseases spread through the same mosquitoes that transmit Zika, and usually include low fever or rash, conjunctivitis, muscle and joint pain, appearing a few days after a person has been infected by an infected mosquito or after sexual intercourse with an infected person. Zika is generally a mild disease and most people with the virus will not even experience symptoms.

CDC director and UPR create agenda to fight zika

This article is reproduced by CienciaPR with permission from the original source.

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Diálogo Digital

The director of the Center for Disease Control (CDC) in Atlanta, Thomas Frieden, participated in a conversatory with the principal investigators of the Medical Science Campus of the University of Puerto Rico to discuss strategies to fight the Zika virus in Puerto Rico.

For the full article, please refer to the spanish version of this site. 



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