Más que ciencia

More than Science: Joan Laureano, an engineer “on-trend”

Greetchen Díaz-Muñoz's picture

Borinqueñas, if something is certain it is that science and engineering are everywhere, in everything we do and everything we create. More importantly, science and engineering can open many doors in our future since the skills learned by studying these disciplines can be an advantageous in the workplace independent of what your final career path might be. This is the case of Borinqueña Joan Laureano Correa. Joan, who is an electric engineer, is also a renowned accessories and jewelry designer.

More than Science: Beautiful Life of a Borinqueña, Mother and Engineer

Marvi Ann Matos's picture

It is 9:00 AM, I get a call from the school saying: “Please come to pick up your child who is not feeling well and is throwing up”. My place of work is 45 minutes away, I call my spouse. “Can you pick up Sofia? She is not feeling well” I say. My spouse is in the middle of presentations with her students. We calculate together what is less damaging: to cancel my day meetings which can be postponed or to cancel the student presentations with more complicated logistics. We decide is better to postpone my meetings, I move all the meetings and jump on the road. I call the doctor for an appointment and we go from school, to home, to the doctor in less than 30 minutes.

More than Science: Alexandra, a Borinqueña Between the Laboratory and the Runway

Kimberly Cabán-Hernández's picture

Borinqueña emphasizes on the contribution of Puerto Rican and Hispanic women in science and technology and provides a space to discuss topics of interest about the empowerment of women. In 'More than Science' we will share stories about Borinqueñas that are scientists, but also spend part of their time doing other activities and creating a balanced life free of stereotypes. 

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