Simposio de Investigación Subgraduada MBRS/RISE en la U del Este Carolina, PR

Samuel L Díaz Muñoz's picture

CALL FOR ABSTRACTS: XII-Simposio de Investigación Subgraduada URGREAT en la Universidad del Este (UNE) 3 de octubre de 2014

Fecha límite: viernes 12 de septiembre de 2014.  No se aceptará ningún abstract luego de esta fecha.





Young scientist finds clues for one day curing glaucoma

This article is reproduced by CienciaPR with permission from the original source.

CienciaPR Contribution: 



Brunymarie Velázquez / brunymarie.velazquez@elnuevodia.com

The regeneration of the optic nerve and a cure for glaucoma could one day be possible thanks in part to findings from a study led by Giam Vega-Meléndez, a young 26 year-old Puerto Rican graduate student who is on a fast-track to a research career. Vega found that certain proteins, naturally released by the body during development, can promote the regrowth of optic the nerve after injury or degeneration. The research project was conducted in its entirety by Vega-Meléndez, a graduate student in the University of Puerto Rico Medical Sciences campus (UPR-MSC), under the direction of Dr.


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