MD Anderson

NCI-supported facility to conduct cancer trials breaks ground in Puerto Rico

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Oficina de Prensa del NCI

The Puerto Rican government has allocated $196 million dollars to build a 287,000 sq. ft., 96-bed, cancer hospital in San Juan. The new hospital, which will provide cancer treatment and conduct clinical trials, is the first of its kind in the Caribbean.

The hospital broke ground at a national ceremony hosted by the Governor of Puerto Rico, Alejandro Garcia-Padilla, in February 2014 and has a projected opening date of April 2016. The National Cancer Institute was represented by Sanya A. Springfield, Ph.D., director of the Center to Reduce Cancer Health Disparities. 


Presentación sobre programa MD/PhD e internado de verano entre UPR y MD Anderson

Giovanna Guerrero-Medina's picture

MD/Ph.D. Program between the UT MD Anderson Cancer Center (MDA) and University of Puerto Rico

“New MD/Ph.D. Program between the UT MD Anderson Cancer Center (MDA) and University of Puerto Rico, Graduate Studies Opportunities in UT MDA Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences (GSBS)” and Summer Research Internship at UT MDACC.





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