
Llelyanne Rivera Rivera

Llelyanne Rivera Rivera es estudiante de medicina de tercer año en la Universidad Central del Caribe. Posee un bachillerato en Psicología de la Universidad de Puerto Rico, Recinto de Rio Piedras. Al graduarse, espera continuar su entrenamiento en la rama de ginecología y obstetricia o pediatría. Le apasionan el arte, la historia y apoyar a estudiantes con interés en las ciencias.


Cancer Prevention & Control Research Training Program

Ariadna S. Rubio Lebrón's picture

Les informamos con entusiasmo sobre nuestro segundo programa de investigación de verano, financiado por el Instituto Nacional del Cáncer (NCI, por sus siglas en inglés; subvención # 5R25CA240120-03), CAPAC será auspiciado por el Centro Comprensivo de Cáncer de la Universidad de Puerto Rico del 31 de mayo de 2022 al 5 de agosto de 2022 en Puerto Rico.





*** Boston Scientific Fellowship Grant para médicos ***

Marcos Lopez's picture
Full Description

About Us

Boston Scientific is dedicated to transforming lives through innovative medical solutions that improve the health of patients around the world.





Help me be a physician-scientist (MD-PhD)

Esmarline De Leon's picture

Saludos a todos,

Por favor, agradecería si pudieran apoyarme en mi meta de convertirme en una doctora-científica (MD-PhD).

Mi sueño es poder desarrollar medicina personalizada para personas con enfermedades catastróficas como el cáncer, problemas neurodegenerativos y cardiovasculares.





Edith A. Pérez: A Pioneer in the prevention and treatment of breast cancer

Lorraine Doralys Rodriguez-Rivera's picture
Dra. Edith A. Pérez
Dr. Edith A. Pérez

The American Cancer Society estimates that breast cancer will claim the lives of more than 40,700 Americans in 2015. Breast cancer is the second leading cause of death for women in the United States, after lung cancer. It has been estimated that doctors will diagnose nearly 232,000 women with invasive breast cancer and around 60,300 women with non-invasive breast cancer, this year.

The Ohio State University Summer Research Ungergrad Opportunity

Greetchen Díaz-Muñoz's picture

Did you know that The Ohio State University Medical Center has a Summer Program for biomedical students interested in the MD/PhD joint degree?

We encourage you to share the attached flyer and our website with your students:





Larissa Avilés Santa: from the clinic to public health

Mónica Ivelisse Feliú-Mójer's picture
Dr. Larissa Avilés Santa during a medical trip to Guatemala. Photo courtesy of Dr. Larissa Avilés Santa.

From a young age, Dr. Larissa Avilés Santa knew she wanted to study the human body. “When I was in fourth or fifth grade I remember opening an Anatomy atlas and how fascinated I was by each illustration. The part of the book that caught my attention was the one about the male and female reproductive systems, and the explanation about the menstrual cycle and pregnancy,” she says. It was back then that her interest in endocrinology was born.


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