Pharmaceutical sciences

MBQ Pharma announces the First-in-Human Dose of MBQ-167 for Advanced Breast Cancer in a Phase 1 Clinical Trial in Puerto Rico with the dual targeted Rac/Cdc42 inhibitor

This article is reproduced by CienciaPR with permission from the original source.

CienciaPR Contribution: 


- MBQ-167 is a first-in-class small molecule and dual targeted inhibitor of over-expression of two proteins (Rac and Cdc42) that enable cancer metastasis and increased resistance to other anti-
cancer agents.

- 90% of cancer-related deaths are related to cancer metastasis and MBQ-167 is being evaluated in
this first human clinical trial to determine the best dose to evaluate this investigational drug in
future studies to determine its safety and efficacy for reducing this terrible outcome.


Yaira González

Yaira González trabaja como científica de desarrollo de procesos en la compañía Amgen. Posee un bachillerato en Microbiología y una maestría en Farmacia Industrial. Yaira nació y se crio en el pueblo de Caguas. Le gusta ejercitarse, el teatro musical y proveer mentoría y apoyo a jóvenes acerca de sus oportunidades en el campo de las ciencias.


Cancer Prevention & Control Research Training Program

Ariadna S. Rubio Lebrón's picture

Les informamos con entusiasmo sobre nuestro segundo programa de investigación de verano, financiado por el Instituto Nacional del Cáncer (NCI, por sus siglas en inglés; subvención # 5R25CA240120-03), CAPAC será auspiciado por el Centro Comprensivo de Cáncer de la Universidad de Puerto Rico del 31 de mayo de 2022 al 5 de agosto de 2022 en Puerto Rico.





It's always sunny in Puerto Rico

Robert James Allsopp's picture

My ten week stay in the town of Mayagüez has been quite the adventure. With all the people, places, and things to do there is never a dull moment. After visiting many of the beaches on Puerto Rico I have a new appreaction for Sun Screen and I realize that the sun is always shining here in Puerto Rico. The people on the island are also really nice and they are always happy and fun to be around. So between the actual climate as well as the people, it's always sunny in Puerto Rico.

Tylenol Future Care Scholarship - Undergraduate and Graduate Students

Elvin Joel Estrada Garcia's picture

The makers of TYLENOL are pleased to announce the 23rd annual Future Care Scholarship program. The program benefits undergraduate and graduate students who are pursuing healthcare-related degrees. With a total of $250,000 to award to forty exceptional students, we are proud to be a part of caring for those who have committed to caring for others.





A gold mine for Puerto Rico

This article is reproduced by CienciaPR with permission from the original source.

CienciaPR Contribution: 



Marie Custodio Collazo /

SUMMARY: The biopharmaceutical industry has a great impact on the Puerto Rican economy, but also on its society and academic institutions, according to a report commissioned by the Pharmaceutical Industry Association of Pueto Rico (PIA).


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