Amelia Merced Alejandro

TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
BlogQuick guides for identifying bryophytes Puerto Rico Amelia Merced Alejandro02 years 11 months ago
Forum TopicUndergraduate travel award to the Evolution 2016 meeting Amelia Merced Alejandro03 years 10 months ago
Forum TopicExplora tu Cerebro en la SanSe 2020 Amelia Merced Alejandro04 years 8 months ago
BibliographiesContrasting pectin polymers in guard cell walls of Arabidopsis and the hornwort Phaeoceros reflect physiological differences. Amelia Merced Alejandro05 years 1 month ago
Forum TopicExplora tu Cerebro en la SanSe 2019 Amelia Merced Alejandro05 years 7 months ago
BlogPBS Kids SciGirls en Puerto Rico Amelia Merced Alejandro06 years 6 months ago
BibliographiesStructure, function and evolution of stomata from a bryological perspective Amelia Merced Alejandro06 years 9 months ago
BibliographiesHornwort stomata: Architecture and fate shared with 400 million year old fossil plants without leaves Amelia Merced Alejandro07 years 1 month ago
BibliographiesPatterning of stomata in the moss Funaria: a simple way to space guard cells Amelia Merced Alejandro08 years 4 months ago
BibliographiesAssociations between Lepanthes rupestris orchids and bryophyte presence in the Luquillo experimental forest, Puerto Rico Amelia Merced Alejandro09 years 2 months ago
BibliographiesNovel insights on the structure and composition of pseudostomata of Sphagnum Amelia Merced Alejandro09 years 3 months ago
BibliographiesDevelopmental changes in guard cell wall structure and pectin composition in the moss Funaria: implications for function and evolution of stomata Amelia Merced Alejandro010 years 1 month ago
BibliographiesMoss stomata in highly elaborated Oedipodium (Oedipodiaceae) and highly reduced Ephemerum (Pottiaceae) sporophytes are remarkably similar Amelia Merced Alejandro010 years 5 months ago
BibliographiesA developmental sequence for paraphyses in Neckeropsis (Neckeraceae) Amelia Merced Alejandro110 years 5 months ago
