Edgard G Rivera-Valentin

TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
Bibliographies{Experimental constraints on the composition and dynamics of Titan's polar lakes} Edgard G Rivera-Valentin09 years 4 months ago
Bibliographies{Transient liquid water and water activity at Gale crater on Mars} Edgard G Rivera-Valentin09 years 4 months ago
Bibliographies{Exploring the effects of overburden on the sublimation and transport of H2O on Iapetus} Edgard G Rivera-Valentin09 years 4 months ago
Bibliographies{Revisiting the thermal inertia of Iapetus: Clues to the thickness of the dark material} Edgard G Rivera-Valentin09 years 4 months ago
Bibliographies{Revisiting the Phoenix TECP data: Implications for regolith control of near-surface humidity on Mars} Edgard G Rivera-Valentin09 years 4 months ago
Bibliographies{Estimating The Size Of Late Veneer Impactors From Impact-Induced Mixing On Mercury} Edgard G Rivera-Valentin09 years 4 months ago
Bibliographies{Impact-induced compositional variations on Mercury} Edgard G Rivera-Valentin09 years 4 months ago
Bibliographies{Constraints On Planetesimal Disk Mass From The Cratering Record And Equatorial Ridge On Iapetus} Edgard G Rivera-Valentin09 years 4 months ago
Bibliographies{Deliquescence and efflorescence of calcium perchlorate: An investigation of stable aqueous solutions relevant to Mars} Edgard G Rivera-Valentin09 years 4 months ago
BibliographiesExperimental simulations of CH4 evaporation on Titan Edgard G Rivera-Valentin09 years 4 months ago
BibliographiesLocations of thin liquid water layers on present-day Mars Edgard G Rivera-Valentin09 years 4 months ago
BibliographiesTopographic constraints on the origin of the equatorial ridge on Iapetus Edgard G Rivera-Valentin09 years 4 months ago
BibliographiesFormation of recurring slope lineae by liquid brines on present-day Mars Edgard G Rivera-Valentin09 years 4 months ago
