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Found 97 results
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K. H. Esbensen, Román-Ospino, A. D., Sanchez, A., and Romañach, R. J., Adequacy and verifiability of pharmaceutical mixtures and dose units by variographic analysis (Theory of Sampling) – A call for a regulatory paradigm shift, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, vol. 499, pp. 156–174, 2016.
Y. M. Colón, Vargas, J., Sanchez, E., Navarro, G., and Romañach, R. J., Assessment of Robustness for a Near-Infrared Concentration Model for Real-Time Release Testing in a Continuous Manufacturing Process, Journal of Pharmaceutical Innovation, vol. 12, pp. 14–25, 2016.
J. G. Osorio, Hernández, E., Romañach, R. J., and Muzzio, F. J., Characterization of resonant acoustic mixing using near-infrared chemical imaging, Powder Technology, vol. 297, pp. 349–356, 2016.
E. Hernández, Pawar, P., Rodriguez, S., Lysenko, S., Muzzio, F. J., and Romañach, R. J., Effect of Shear Applied During a Pharmaceutical Process on Near Infrared Spectra, Applied Spectroscopy, vol. 70, pp. 455–466, 2016.
R. J. Romañach, Independence and dependence in calibration: A discussion of FDA and EMA guidelines, American Pharmaceutical Review, vol. 19, 2016.
J. Banquet-Terán, Johnson-Restrepo, B., Hernández-Morelo, A., Ropero, J., Fontalvo-Gomez, M., and Romañach, R. J., Linear and Nonlinear Calibration Methods for Predicting Mechanical Properties of Polypropylene Pellets Using Raman Spectroscopy, Applied Spectroscopy, vol. 70, pp. 1118–1127, 2016.
A. D. Román-Ospino, Singh, R., Ierapetritou, M., Ramachandran, R., Méndez, R., Ortega-Zúñiga, C., Muzzio, F. J., and Romañach, R. J., Near infrared spectroscopic calibration models for real time monitoring of powder density, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, vol. 512, pp. 61–74, 2016.
A. Sánchez-Paternina, Román-Ospino, A. D., Martínez, M., Mercado, J., Alonso, C., and Romañach, R. J., Near infrared spectroscopic transmittance measurements for pharmaceutical powder mixtures, Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, vol. 123, pp. 120–127, 2016.
R. Romanach, Near infrared spectroscopy: from feasibility to implementation in the pharmaceutical industry, NIR news, vol. 27, p. 33, 2016.
R. Romanach, Near-infrared chemical imaging and its correlation with the mechanical properties of chitosan\textendashgelatin edible films, Carbohydrate Polymers, 2016.
E. Hernández, Pawar, P., Keyvan, G., Wang, Y., Velez, N., Callegari, G., Cuitino, A., Michniak-Kohn, B., Muzzio, F. J., and Romañach, R. J., Prediction of dissolution profiles by non-destructive near infrared spectroscopy in tablets subjected to different levels of strain, Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, vol. 117, pp. 568–576, 2016.
R. J. Romañach, Román-Ospino, A. D., and Alcalà, M., A Procedure for Developing Quantitative Near Infrared (NIR) Methods for Pharmaceutical Products, in Methods in Pharmacology and Toxicology, Springer New York, 2016, pp. 133–158.
V. Cárdenas, Ospino, A. R., and Romañach, R. J., Recent advances in obtaining process information from near infrared spectra, American Pharmaceutical Review, vol. 19, 2016.
R. J. Romañach and Esbensen, K. H., Theory of sampling (TOS) for development of spectroscopic calibration models, American Pharmaceutical Review, vol. 19, 2016.
M. A. Bernardez, Martinez, L., Esquerdo, R. M., Hausner, D., and Romañach, R. J., Continuous manufacturing, near infrared spectroscopy and process knowledge, American Pharmaceutical Review, vol. 18, 2015.
J. G. Osorio, Vanarase, A. U., Romañach, R. J., and Muzzio, F. J., Continuous Powder Mixing, in Pharmaceutical Blending and Mixing, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2015, pp. 101–127.
R. Romanach, Estimating total sampling error for near infrared spectroscopic analysis of pharmaceutical blends\textemdashtheory of\ sampling to the rescue, TOS Forum, 2015.
P. J. Cullen, Romañach, R. J., Abatzoglou, N., and Rielly, C. D., Eds., Pharmaceutical Blending and Mixing. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2015.
R. Romanach, Proper sampling, total measurement uncertainty, variographic analysis & fit-for-purpose acceptance levels for\ pharmaceutical mixing monitoring, TOS Forum, 2015.
R. Singh, Román-Ospino, A. D., Romañach, R. J., Ierapetritou, M., and Ramachandran, R., Real time monitoring of powder blend bulk density for coupled feed-forward/feed-back control of a continuous direct compaction tablet manufacturing process, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, vol. 495, pp. 612–625, 2015.
R. J. Romañach, Sampling and Determination of Adequacy of Mixing, in Pharmaceutical Blending and Mixing, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2015, pp. 57–78.
R. Romanach and Esbensen, K., Sampling in pharmaceutical manufacturing—Many opportunities to improve today's practice through the Theory of Sampling (TOS), TOS forum, vol. 2015, p. 5, 2015.
C. C. Díaz-Candelas, Morales-Payán, J. P., Romanach, R., Kolterman, D. A., and Garrastazú, S. M., TAHITI LIME POSTHARVEST AND NON-DESTRUCTIVE ASSESSMENT OF ESSENTIAL OILS BY NIR SPECTROSCOPY, Acta Horticulturae, pp. 1463–1469, 2015.
R. Romanach, When \textquotedbllefthomogeneity”is expected\textemdashTheory of Sampling in pharmaceutical\ manufacturing, TOS Forum, 2015.
