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Found 97 results
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Conference Paper
M. A. Fontalvo, Méndez-Piñero, M. I., and Romañach, R. J., Design and Development of a Cost Model for the Implementation of Process Analytical Technology in the Pharmaceutical Industry, in 9th Annual World Conference of the Society for Industrial and Systems Engineering,, 2020, p. 6.
M. A. Fontalvo-Lascano, Méndez-Piñero, M. I., and Romañach, R. J., Development of a Business Case Model for Process Analytical Technology Implementation in the Pharmaceutical Industry, in Proceedings of the 5th NA International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, 2020, pp. 1144 - 1152.
Conference Paper
R. J. Romañach, Lugo, J. E., Morales-Velez, A., Córdova, U. M., and K. Hughes, S., HSI Conference: Proceedings: Accelerating the Impact of HSI STEM Education and Research on Innovation Ecosystems, in HSI Conference: Accelerating the Impact of HSI STEM Education and Research on Innovation Ecosystems, 2019, p. 34.
