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Found 97 results
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J. Boada-Lopez, DeJesus-Maldonado, I., Jerez, J., Romanach, R., Diffoot-Carlo, N., and Sundaram, P., Collagen abundance in mechanically stimulated osteoblast cultures using near infrared microscopy, Journal of Biomechanics, vol. 46, pp. 2442–2450, 2013.
C. Beck, Sievens-Figueroa, L., Gärtner, K., Jerez-Rozo, J. I., Romañach, R. J., Bilgili, E., and Davé, R. N., Effects of stabilizers on particle redispersion and dissolution from polymer strip films containing liquid antisolvent precipitated griseofulvin particles, Powder Technology, vol. 236, pp. 37–51, 2013.
R. Susarla, Sievens-Figueroa, L., Bhakay, A., Shen, Y., Jerez-Rozo, J. I., Engen, W., Khusid, B., Bilgili, E., Romañach, R. J., Morris, K. R., Michniak-Kohn, B., and Davé, R. N., Fast drying of biocompatible polymer films loaded with poorly water-soluble drug nano-particles via low temperature forced convection, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, vol. 455, pp. 93-103, 2013.
M. Fontalvo-Gomez, Colucci, J. A., Velez, N., and Romañach, R. J., In-Line Near-Infrared (NIR) and Raman Spectroscopy Coupled with Principal Component Analysis (PCA) for In Situ Evaluation of the Transesterification Reaction, Applied Spectroscopy, vol. 67, pp. 1142–1149, 2013.
D. Cebeci-Maltaş, McCann, R., Wang, P., Pinal, R., Romanach, R., and Ben-Amotz, D., Pharmaceutical Application of Fast Raman Hyperspectral Imaging with Compressive Detection Strategy, Journal of Pharmaceutical Innovation, vol. 9, pp. 1–4, 2013.
J. G. Osorio, Vanarase, A. U., Romañach, R. J., and Muzzio, F. J., Continuous Powder Mixing, Pharmaceutical Blending and Mixing, pp. 101-127, 2012.
D. Acevedo, Muliadi, A., Giridhar, A., Litster, J. D., and Romañach, R. J., Evaluation of Three Approaches for Real-Time Monitoring of Roller Compaction with Near-Infrared Spectroscopy, AAPS PharmSciTech, vol. 13, pp. 1005–1012, 2012.
R. Romanach, Group Profile: Analytical & Pharmaceutical Group, University of Puerto Rico, NIR news, vol. 23, p. 18, 2012.
J. M. Prats-Montalbán, Jerez-Rozo, J. I., Romañach, R. J., and Ferrer, A., MIA and NIR Chemical Imaging for pharmaceutical product characterization, Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, vol. 117, pp. 240–249, 2012.
R. Romanach, Alcalà, M., Blanco, M., Menezes, J. C., Felizardo, P. M., Garrido, A., Pérez, D., Zamora, E., Pasquini, C., and Romañach, R. J., Near-Infrared Spectroscopy in Laboratory and Process Analysis, Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry. 2012.
P. J. Cullen, Romañach, R. J., Abatzoglou, N., and Rielly, C. D., Preface, Pharmaceutical Blending and Mixing, p. xvii, 2012.
L. Sievens-Figueroa, Bhakay, A., Jerez-Rozo, J. I., Pandya, N., Romañach, R. J., Michniak-Kohn, B., Iqbal, Z., Bilgili, E., and Davé, R. N., Preparation and characterization of hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose films containing stable BCS Class II drug nanoparticles for pharmaceutical applications, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, vol. 423, pp. 496–508, 2012.
R. J. Romañach, Sampling and Determination of Adequacy of Mixing, Pharmaceutical Blending and Mixing, pp. 57-78, 2012.
