About Me:
I am Director of Muliticutural Affairs at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine. I am responsible for recruiting more Latino, African American and Native American students into our biomedical sciences doctorate, MD/PHD and summer research programs.
Project Info:
I coordinate the Postbaccalacurate Research Education Program (PREP), which is designed for minority college students who are recent college graduates and who want to spend a year doing research before going on pursue graduate school in biomedical sciences. In addition to working in a lab, students take one graduate course each semester, they take a GRE preparation course, they meet weekly as a group with me and the project director, Alison Hall, PHD. Dr. Hall is director of the our Office of Graduate Education, Professor of Neuroscience and the Principal Investigator of the PREP grant. PREP is funded by the National Institute of General Medical Sciences (of NIH).