1. González-Valentino, O. (N.D.). Leader dark triad personality and team innovation: The moderating impact of team psychological safety climate. Manuscript in preparation. California Baptist University. [Doctoral dissertation].
I am studying the degree to which Team Psychological Safety Climate moderates the relationship between a leader’s Dark Triad Personality traits and Team Climate for Innovation. I intend to determine if a strong safety climate functions as a protective factor for the ability of a team to remain innovative in the presence of negative personality traits within their leadership. This will facilitate organizational stakeholders’ ability to decrease the negative impacts of such leaders by increasing team psychological safety to maintain or increase the level of innovation in teams.
2. Klausner, J., Brooks, R., Brown, B., Saleska, J., Stafylis, C., & Wang, X. (N.D). Increasing HIV PrEP among Latino men who have sex with men and transgender women (Proyecto FACIL). Manuscript in preparation. University of Southern California.
CHRP H21IS3593
The goal of this project is to explore reasons that telePrEP is not widely adopted and used among Latinx MSM and transgender women in three counties of Southern California. The findings will inform the development of a strategy to facilitate the successful implementation of telePrEP among Community Based Organizations. My role on this project centers on leveraging my connections in the LGBTQ+ non-profit network to help facilitate focus groups, deliver translation services, engage in qualitative inter-rater agreement, and contribute to manuscript generation.
3. Houston, E., González-Valentino, O., Xie, B., Niu, L., & Song, G. (N.D.). Marital status and cardiovascular disease: Intersections of ethnicity, gender, and socioeconomic status. Manuscript in preparation. Claremont Graduate University.
The goal of this project is to examine the extent to which the association between marital status and cardiovascular disease can be explained by ethnicity, gender, and socioeconomic status. We also examine whether the relative contributions of these factors differ based on marital status type. Using data derived from the 2018-2020 California Health Interview Survey (CHIS), we compare these risk factors among adults ages 18 and over (n = 21,177) based on marital status and whether they had been diagnosed with any type of cardiovascular disease. As the co-investigator for this project, I assist in coordinating research efforts, manuscript generation, and data analysis integration.
4. Houston, E., González-Valentino, O., Song, G., Evans, J. (N.D). The role of race and ethnicity on the protective value of marital status in cardiovascular disease risk: A literature review. Manuscript in preparation. Claremont Graduate University.
The goal of this project is to examine the current body of literature to explore the reported distinctions among different racial/ethnic identities when considering marital status as a protective factor for cardiovascular disease risk. As the co-investigator for this project, I coordinate the aggregation and review of the relevant body of literature while contributing to manuscript generation.
5. Callaghan, G. M., Duenas, J. A., Nadeau, S. E., Darrow, S. M., Van der Merwe, J., & Misko, J. (2012). An empirical model of body image disturbance using behavioral principles found in Functional Analytic Psychotherapy and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. International Journal of Behavioral Consultation and Therapy, 7(2-3), 16.
NIH T32 MH018261
The goal of this project was to investigate the relationship of body image disturbance and diagnosable Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) to the contemporary behavioral variables of experiential avoidance and interpersonal expression of affect. I served as a research assistant for this project by organizing the literature files for investigator review.