After registration

You're almost done! A validation e-mail has been sent to your e-mail address. In order to gain full access to the site, you will need to follow the instructions in that message. If you don't complete this step your registration will not be final. 
If you have any questions or concerns, please send us a message.
We are pleased with your interest in belonging to the Ciencia Puerto Rico online community. By completing your registration, you will be part of a large and diverse community of professionals, student, and educators with an interest in science and technology and Puerto Rico.

Your membership with CienciaPR will help you:

  • Connect with other members for mentorship and collaboration
  • Access information about jobs, fellowships, and training opportunities
  • Display your qualifications, publications, and expertise
  • Disseminate scientific opportunities with the community
  • Share and publish about your work and passion for science through blogs, podcasts, and science articles
  • Contribute throgh STEM outreach projects
  • Participate of professional development opportunities

Your presence on our website will also help inform the world about the talent that exists in and for Puerto Rico and will provide role models for future generations of students.