Member Bibliography/Bibliografía de Miembros

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Journal Article
R. Romanach, Analysis of powder phenomena inside a Fette 3090 feed frame using in-line NIR spectroscopy, Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 2014.
A. L. Morales-Cruz, Tremont, R., Martínez, R., Romanach, R., and Cabrera, C. R., Atomic force measurements of 16-mercaptohexadecanoic acid and its salt with CH3, OH, and CONHCH3 functionalized self-assembled monolayers, Applied Surface Science, vol. 241, pp. 371–383, 2005.
J. Boada-Lopez, DeJesus-Maldonado, I., Jerez, J., Romanach, R., Diffoot-Carlo, N., and Sundaram, P., Collagen abundance in mechanically stimulated osteoblast cultures using near infrared microscopy, Journal of Biomechanics, vol. 46, pp. 2442–2450, 2013.
R. Romanach, Estimating total sampling error for near infrared spectroscopic analysis of pharmaceutical blends\textemdashtheory of\ sampling to the rescue, TOS Forum, 2015.
R. Romanach, Group Profile: Analytical & Pharmaceutical Group, University of Puerto Rico, NIR news, vol. 23, p. 18, 2012.
R. Romanach, IDRC-17 (Chambersburg), 2–8 August 2014, NIR news, vol. 25, p. 23, 2014.
R. Romanach, IDRC-17—Opening our minds to our legacy and new ideas, NIR news, vol. 25, p. 19, 2014.
J. Prats-Montalbán, Jerez-Rozo, J., Romanach, R., and Ferrer, A., Multivariate image analysis and near infrared chemical imaging for characterisation of micro-mixing in polymeric thin films, NIR news, vol. 25, p. 4, 2014.
R. Romanach, Near infrared spectroscopy: from feasibility to implementation in the pharmaceutical industry, NIR news, vol. 27, p. 33, 2016.
R. Romanach, Near-infrared chemical imaging and its correlation with the mechanical properties of chitosan\textendashgelatin edible films, Carbohydrate Polymers, 2016.
D. Cebeci-Maltaş, McCann, R., Wang, P., Pinal, R., Romanach, R., and Ben-Amotz, D., Pharmaceutical Application of Fast Raman Hyperspectral Imaging with Compressive Detection Strategy, Journal of Pharmaceutical Innovation, vol. 9, pp. 1–4, 2013.
R. Romanach, Proper sampling, total measurement uncertainty, variographic analysis & fit-for-purpose acceptance levels for\ pharmaceutical mixing monitoring, TOS Forum, 2015.
J. Zhang, Ying, Y., Pielecha-Safira, B., Bilgili, E., Ramachandran, R., Romanach, R., Davé, R. N., and Iqbal, Z., Raman spectroscopy for in-line and off-line quantification of poorly soluble drugs in strip films, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, vol. 475, pp. 428–437, 2014.
R. Romanach and Esbensen, K., Sampling in pharmaceutical manufacturing—Many opportunities to improve today's practice through the Theory of Sampling (TOS), TOS forum, vol. 2015, p. 5, 2015.
C. C. Díaz-Candelas, Morales-Payán, J. P., Romanach, R., Kolterman, D. A., and Garrastazú, S. M., TAHITI LIME POSTHARVEST AND NON-DESTRUCTIVE ASSESSMENT OF ESSENTIAL OILS BY NIR SPECTROSCOPY, Acta Horticulturae, pp. 1463–1469, 2015.
R. Romanach, When \textquotedbllefthomogeneity”is expected\textemdashTheory of Sampling in pharmaceutical\ manufacturing, TOS Forum, 2015.