Member Bibliography/Bibliografía de Miembros

This page collects all the personal publications that CienciaPR members have uploaded to their profiles. You can also see all of the authors collected in these publications or all the keywords contained in these publications.

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Filters: Author is Dorado-Munoz, Leidy P.  [Clear All Filters]
L. P. Dorado-Munoz, Velez-Reyes, M., Mukherjee, A., and Roysam, B., A Vector SIFT Detector for Interest Point Detection in Hyperspectral Imagery, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, vol. 50, pp. 4521-4533, 2012.
L. P. Dorado-Munoz and Velez-Reyes, M., Ship Detection in MODIS Imagery, in ALGORITHMS AND TECHNOLOGIES FOR MULTISPECTRAL, HYPERSPECTRAL, AND ULTRASPECTRAL IMAGERY XVII, 2011, vol. 8048, p. 80480U.