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CienciaPR’s receives funding from Medtronic Foundation to support girl leaders in STEM

Ariadna S. Rubio Lebrón's picture
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Ciencia Puerto Rico (CienciaPR) is one of 13 organizations serving underrepresented and underserved K-12 students in Minnesota, Northern California and Puerto Rico that will receive two-years of support from Medtronic Foundation to promote equity and inclusion in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM).

Specifically, Medtronic Foundation’s grant to CienciaPR will support Semillas de Triunfo (Seeds of Success) a program that promotes STEM interests and community leadership among middle and high school girls in Puerto Rico.

“This partnership will not only support this important program that has already exposed more than 480 girls to STEM disciplines,” said Dr. Greetchen Díaz-Muñoz, Director of Science Education and Community Partnerships, “it will allow us to expand our Latinas in STEM Digital Collection—the largest that we know of—, distribute posters of the collection to schools around Puerto Rico, and create free lesson plans to expose more students to strong and creative Latina STEM role models.”

"Long-lasting, community driven changes start locally. Our partners have trust of communities, and the expertise to lead transformative change in STEM education," said Jess Daly, director of programs and partnerships, Medtronic Foundation. "Together with our partners and Medtronic employee volunteers, we're narrowing in on places we are uniquely equipped to help create a world where there are no barriers to health, wellbeing and prosperity."

In addition to funding, Medtronic employee volunteers will partner with each organization to deploy employee talent in the form of mentorship to students and other skilled volunteerism for organizations, strengthening systems of care and sustainable outcomes.

“We’re truly excited about this new partnership, which not only will support the expansion of an already impactful program, but which will allow us to connect girls throughout Puerto Rico with outstanding Latina role models working in cutting-edge biomedical technology industry careers,” said Dr. Giovanna Guerrero-Medina, Executive Director of Ciencia Puerto Rico.

Medtronic is the largest employer in Puerto Rico in the manufacturing sector, with plants in Humacao, Villalba, Ponce and Juncos. 
