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Help us support science, before and after the March

Giovanna Guerrero-Medina's picture
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Do you want to know how you can help support the goals of the March for Science - Puerto Rico, from wherever you are? In addition to registering to participate on April 22 , there are several ways in which you can defend and be an advocate for science.

Invite your friends, family and colleagues

The more we are, the better! You can use this example to send an email to your friends, family and contacts and invite them to leave for science.

Bring your banner

Put your creativity to work, make a banner and show why supports and marches for science! For security reasons, we ask you not to place your banner on a piece of wood or tube.

Share on social media

Before and during the March, share your experiences in social media!

Upload a photo or video and tell us why you participate in the March for Science-Puerto Rico using the hashtag #YoMarchoPorLaCiencia. Also use the hashtags of the March #ScienceMarchPR #ScienceNotSilence or #CienciaNoSilencio.

Invite your friends and followers to attend the March for Science-Puerto Rico. Here are some examples of messages you can use.

Tag us on Twitter @ScienceMarchPR or share your photos with our Facebook group

Wear your support

Buy your shirt and support the March for Science! They come in Small, Medium, Large and XLarge. You have until April 15. Order it today and pick it up on the day of departure.

Share your ideas on

Use our website to share articles or blog entries related to the goals of the March for Science-Puerto Rico. If you are a member of CienciaPR, press the button "Write a blog post" in your personal profile. If you are not yet a member of CienciaPR, join for free!

Participate in public hearings. Communicate with your senators and representatives.

One of the goals of the March for Science-Puerto Rico is to promote the creation of laws and amendments informed by science. One way to achieve this is by increasing the participation of scientists and scientists in public hearings and the process of creating public policies. Review the legislative calendars for the House of Representatives and the Senate of Puerto Rico and participate in public hearings on matters related to your expertise.

Another way to participate in the political process is by calling your senator or representative (box: 787.721.6040).

The American Society for Cell Biology (ASCB) has posted suggestions on how to write a letter to legislators, an example of a letter and suggestions on how to have a face-to-face meeting with lawmakers. Although these documents and suggestions were developed with the United States Congress in mind, you can modify them and adapt them to your context.

Visit a school or use #CienciaBoricua educational resources

Another goal of the March for Science-Puerto Rico is to bridge the gap between scientists and citizens. We want to bring science to the people, promote the visibility of Puerto Rican scientists, and make their contributions known and break stereotypes.

Scientists, find an educator and ask if you can visit their school, you can do it in person or by Skype! Communicate with a teacher you know and offer to visit their classroom even for a few minutes. You can talk about your career as a scientist or make a demonstration about your favorite subject (examples here and here).

Educators, use the CienciaPR database to find scientists and students in over 100 science, technology, engineering, and mathematics disciplines that your school could visit. You can also use the portal to find resources, stories, podcasts, news and blogs, among other materials to help inspire your students.
