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Summer Internship @ Impactivo

Heidi Parrilla's picture

2017 Summer Internship Request for Proposals

Impactivo is a social impact consulting firm that specializes in the fields of health and healthcare, childhood and education and philanthropy. We produce solutions that translate research and policy to action and build systemic, operational and strategic funding capacity. Impactivo offers a wide array of services in Systems Research, Policy Analysis, Strategic Planning and Financial Sustainability to support leaders at the forefront of social innovation in making strategy and organization decisions that lead to exceptional results. We are dedicated to the development of initiatives that improve the health status, educational attainment, and general wellbeing of communities.

Ignite Biotech Summer Program, campamento de biotecnología gratis para estudiantes de escuelas públicas y maestros

Eduardo Canto, MD's picture

Con el propósito de fomentar el interés por los aspectos científicos, económicos y legales de la biotecnología, el tercer anual Ignite Biotech Summer Program se llevará a cabo del 5 al 16 de junio.  El Ignite BiotechSummer Program es un campamento de biotecnología auspiciado por Fundación Amgen, Colegio San Ignacio y Auxilio BioLab, donde hasta 36 estudiantes de escuela secundaria (grado 10 en adelante) van a clonar el cDNA de eritropoyetina, transferirlo a un plásmido de expresión mamífera y expresar la proteína en células CHO.

Neuroscience Symposium: Innovative Technologies and Learning

Juan Víctor Concepción Cardona's picture

The idea for the Neuroscience Symposium: Innovation, Technology, and Learning was conceived in 2014 when doctoral student Juan V. Concepcion Cardona and Dr. Joel Acevedo Nieto met at the Network of Entrepreneurship Innovation in Barceloneta, Puerto Rico. Juan and Joel discussed possibilities for a holding a meeting about the emergence of Neuroscience in Puerto Rico. Both scientists felt that there is a need to better understand and track the development of neuroscience research and practice in Puerto Rico. As an academic discipline, neuroscience is challenging as it is composed of various sub-disciplines like neurobiology, psychology, cognitive sciences, computer sciences, etc.

Duodecimo Simposio Sobre Asuntos Relacionados al Agua Potable

Melitza Crespo-Medina's picture

Durante el pasado jueves y viernes 16 y 17 de febrero, se celebró en las facilidades de la Universidad Interamericana de Bayamón el Duodecimo Simposio sobre Asuntos Relacionados a Agua Potable. El mismo fue auspiciado por el Centro de Educación, Conservación e Interpretación Ambiental (CECIA) de la Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico (UIPR) y la Agencia de Protección Ambiental (US EPA por sus siglas en Inglés). Durante el simposio se examinó la perspectiva local e internacional sobre el estado de nuestros recursos de agua, la evolución de las reglamentaciones y la ciencia que establecen los tratamientos para agua potable y su impacto en la salud pública tanto en la Isla, como desde la perspectiva global. 

Race and physics teaching in Uruguay: An unexpected quest

Wilson Gonzalez-Espada's picture

It had been almost a year of planning my research and teaching duties for my visit to Montevideo Uruguay, as part of a Fulbright Fellowship. This international exchange program of teachers, faculty, students and other professionals was started after the end of World War II by Senator J. William Fulbright to foster understanding and tolerance among nations.

SEDS UPRM Observation & Planetarium Night

Angelic Marie Arzola Roig's picture

     Early sky watchers used to enjoy and monitor our sky for celestial objects and phenomena, even with their lack of sophisticated instruments. Somehow, they managed to understand and develop the ideas that would set the basis for modern astronomy. Nowadays, when the concepts “space,” “astronauts,” or even “NASA” are used the first thoughts coming to mind may be those related to science, engineering, or technology. Yet, the truth is that the study of space is much more than just traditional subjects like Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM); it entails achieving new and innovative ways of thinking about our universe, thus leading to a new and an avant-garde way of perceiving all of our surroundings.

From Collection to the Digitization of Caribbean Plant Specimens

Kristian Saied-Santiago's picture

   Imagine you are walking around your ideal natural paradise in the Caribbean. To me, that would be hiking a trail at 'El Yunque' deep into the tropical forest, gazing at one of its majestic waterfalls. While busy contemplating your surroundings, a flower you have never encounter before, mesmerizes you. You quickly get closer and use your senses to learn more about this beauty. After an initial observation, a few questions usually follow in our minds including: What is the name of this plant/species? Is it native to this region or is it originally from a different place? And, could this be an endangered species?

From Collection to Digitization of Puerto Rican and Caribbean Plant Specimens

Kristian Saied-Santiago's picture

   Imagine you are walking around your ideal natural paradise in the Caribbean. To me, that would be hiking a trail at 'El Yunque' deep into the tropical forest, gazing at one of its majestic waterfalls. While busy contemplating your surroundings, a flower you have never encounter before, mesmerizes you. You quickly get closer and use your senses to learn more about this beauty. After an initial observation, a few questions usually follow in our minds including: What is the name of this plant/species? Is it native to this region or is it originally from a different place? And, could this be an endangered species?

Agricultural genetics: A science tool to explore in Puerto Rico’s new age of agriculture

Héctor J. Díaz-Zabala's picture

For around 10,000 years since the origin of agriculture in the Neolithic, modern humans had been using artificial selection for the improvement of crops and livestock. Previous to that period of time, humans had to live on what they found in the wild by hunting, fishing, and collecting seeds and roots to eat. In this context, Neolithic represents to human history the shift from a hunting-gathering economy to the direct production of food. 


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