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UPRM REU Experience

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Hi, my name is Jacoby Shipmon. I am a Biological Engineering student from Atlanta, Georgia who attends North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University. This summer I am working as an undergraduate researcher in a REU (Research Experience for Undergraduates) on multifunctional soft materials at the University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez. The purpose of this program is to immerse us in our individual research projects while allowing us time, on the weekends, to explore Puerto Rico. I wanted to start this post by saying how grateful I am for being here and having the opportunity to visit the beautiful island of Puerto Rico. So far I have had the chance to visit, and fall in love with, some of the numerous beautiful beaches that the island has. I also had the chance to experience the night of San Juan and meet some of the people from the university and surrounding areas, and I just love the culture and feel of Puerto Rico. In terms of the research I have done, I have been working on making a biologically compatible scaffold out of collagen fibers produced through a process called electrospinning. If I am able to successfully create a biocompatible scaffold, my research could lead to prosthetics that no longer cause immune response within the body. Depending on the structure of the scaffolds my research is able to lead to the creation of, it may mean that injuries like fractures will become minor and be able to be healed in a fraction of the time they take now. I hope to be able to further this research and come to a viable conclusion at the end of the REU. I also hope to be able to enjoy Puerto Rico as much as possible.
