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Interesting Summer

Alejandra Casanova Sepúlveda's picture

While summer means resting and relaxing for most students, I have been given the unique opportunity to create something this summer. Beginning this June I have been part of the Research Experience for Undergraduate Students in Reconfigurable & Multifunctional Soft-Materials Internship in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico. Yes, sounds complicated, right? The first thing that I learned was, what are soft-materials. As I found out, they simply combine the characteristics of liquids and solids. So, thinking about it again, soft-materials are really useful and interesting. But I do not want you to tie you up in details and theoretical considerations of my research, I want to share the first impressions of my research experience with you.

Half Way into the 2016 Summer Internship Program

Robert James Allsopp's picture

I made a decision to travel this summer and take part in the REU internship at the University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez. I have always dreamed of seeing the world, and after signing up for the REU I could only imagine what adventures I might partake in over the summer. I have worked with people from around the world and I feel blessed to share the discoveries and adventures of this experience with those I’ve met along with the Ciencia Puerto Rico community. My experience thus far revolves around exploring the island and learning about my research with many friends.

An Adventure in Puerto Rico: Research, Rental Cars, and Red Trees

Eloise Flora Yount's picture

Greetings CienciaPR community,

My name is Eloise Yount, and I am proud to say that I have the opportunity of conducting research at the UPRM in the interim period between my third and fourth years as an undergraduate student at the Georgia Institute of Technology. I am pursuing a degree in chemical and biomolecular engineering, and with that degree I plan to lay the foundation for a career focused on sustainable technology/renewable energy development and implementation.

Living and Learning on the Island of Enchantment

Adriana A Bodlak's picture

This summer I’ve had the opportunity to conduct research at the University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus with the Soft Matter Research Experience for Undergraduates program. I came into this program wanting a more immersive research experience where my work would be more “hands on,” and I’m happy to report that it has been. I’ve learned many new techniques and gained an appreciation for the extensive possibilities within microbiology. I never thought I’d be so excited about bacteria!

Only a Month

Mathini Vaikunthan's picture

On the first day of this REU program, we were asked why we chose to come to the University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez for an entire summer. The answer was quite simple for me: it was a perfect opportunity for me to learn more about a vibrant, intricate culture while being immersed in what I loved-- research. The idea of coming here got me through finals and a tough first year at Princeton. I daydreamed of the amazing experiences I would have here through my short summer break, and then realized I might be setting unrealistic expectations for my time here. What if I did not like my work? What if there were no opportunities to actually experience Puerto Rican culture?

My Experience as an undergrad intern in this 2016 RMSM REU

Alberto E Serrano Vargas's picture

Participating in this summer’s RMSM REU has been a very productive experience thus far. The opportunity it’s given me of conducting research and having my own project to procure and develop has made an impact in my professional life and aspirations. Also, the scientific communication workshops, the soft matter seminars and even the social activities offered by this program have all been enriching. In addition, the people I’ve gotten to known and share with during this past month have also been key to this fun and constructive adventure.

One Month In, Halfway Through

Milan T Brown's picture

I have been in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico for about a month now working for the National Science Foundation's Research Experience for Undergraduates program. Honestly, I had no idea I would end up here but I'm glad its here instead of Minnesota. The purpose of the program is to give undergraduates research expereience at a university they would otherwise never attend, as well as preparation for graduate school. We are paired with a graduate mentor and a professor and work in the labs for about an average of 40 hours a week. After the 40 hours, we are free to explore Puerto Rico and do whatever legal activities we desire.

Building a soft matter research community at UPRM: Step 1. Develop and execute a REU program

Ubaldo M Cordova-Figueroa's picture

Soft matter includes a wide range of materials that flow or experience deformation when exposed to stresses or forces.   Colloids, polymers, vesicles, and bubbles are a few examples. The relationship between the magnitude and duration of the ‘deforming’ force gives rise to unique and dynamic material properties. Understanding and mastering these properties are main areas of intensive research.

Big Advancements on the Horizons - Enzyme-coated Nanoparticle Medicines

Joseph P Ulbrich's picture
Hello all, This is the final week of the Summer REU here at University of Puerto Rico – Mayagüez, and thus it’s the conclusion of my research to be performed here at the university. During this only two-month program, so many advancements have been made for not only my research project, but also myself as a researcher. I’m extremely proud and happy to say that I’ve been part of one of the prized projects here at UPRM Summer REU with Soft Matter Labs! It’s provided me with very valuable research experience that has allowed me to become a much more confident and independent researcher.

Mathematical Model for concentrations of 4-aminobenzoic acid in water

Jessica Raquel Bojorquez's picture
Detecting bioactive agents in water has become a matter of great importance and I am grateful to have been given the opportunity to be a part of this REU program where I have been able to work in a project whose’ goal is to advance technology for this matter. I was assigned to work with Dr. Marco De Jesus in the chemistry department of University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez, or as known as “El Colegio”. My project was to design a mathematical model that could describe concentrations of bioactive agents in water in the range of zero to saturation point.


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