Chemistry and Physical Sciences

Ubaldo M. Córdova: transforming research culture in Puerto Rico

Yaihara Fortis Santiago's picture
Dr. Ubaldo Córdova wants to make sure that young scientists and faculty in Puerto Rico have a support system for professional development.

Dr. Ubaldo M. Córdova knew from a very early age that he wanted to be a scientist. He confirmed this thought when he had to complete a special project for his geography class in high school. For this project, a shy and introvert Ubaldo, built a geography map of Puerto Rico. He designed a very precise map that marked the Island’s municipalities using colorful sand. Based on the sophistication of his design- where the different colors of sand did not mix and every piece fit perfectly- his teacher told him that he would become an engineer.

Oportunidades de Trabajo en CECIA

Melitza Crespo-Medina's picture

El Centro de Educación Conservación e Interpretación Ambiental (CECIA) de la Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico (UIPR), desea anunciar que contamos con varias oportunidades de empleo disponibles para colaborar en nuestros proyectos investigativos. En CECIA se realizan más de 23 proyectos multi-año con colaboradores locales e internacionales.





Call for Abstracts - UPR-MSC 45th Annual Research and Education Forum

Efrain Flores-Rivera's picture

The Organizing Committee of the 45th Annual Research and Education Forum at the Medical Sciences Campus (RCM) invites students, faculty, and researchers from across the University of Puerto Rico System, private universities, research centers, and community health organizations to submit their abstracts for oral or poster presentations in the following categories:

  • Research Projects

  • Educational or Community Projects





Summer Research Programs, Memorial Sloan Kettering Institute

Mónica Ivelisse Feliú-Mójer's picture

Applications are now being accepted for the 2025 undergraduate summer research programs. These 10-week programs begin on June 2, 2025 and end on August 8, 2025. 





Investigación sobre el Cambio Climático de la NASA está reclutando actualmente a educadores STEM en servicio y estudiantes

Elvin Joel Estrada Garcia's picture

La Iniciativa de Investigación sobre el Cambio Climático de la NASA está reclutando actualmente a educadores STEM en servicio y estudiantes de posgrado para contribuir al trabajo de la NASA en exploración y descubrimiento relacionado con la ciencia y el estudio del cambio climático.




Pasantías pagadas en Laboratorios Nacionales del U.S. Department of Energy

Igor Slowing's picture

Para estudiantes de doctorado en física, química, biología (no médica), ciencias de la tierra, astronomía, matemática, ciencias de computación, estadística, ciencia de materiales, ingeniería, y ciencias ambientales.





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