
Cancer Prevention & Control Research Training Program

Ariadna S. Rubio Lebrón's picture

Les informamos con entusiasmo sobre nuestro segundo programa de investigación de verano, financiado por el Instituto Nacional del Cáncer (NCI, por sus siglas en inglés; subvención # 5R25CA240120-03), CAPAC será auspiciado por el Centro Comprensivo de Cáncer de la Universidad de Puerto Rico del 31 de mayo de 2022 al 5 de agosto de 2022 en Puerto Rico.





Solicitamos voluntarios para programa en area metro

Josiemer Mattei's picture

La Universidad de Harvard, FDI Clinical Research, y organizaciones agricolas de la isla estan completando un programa piloto de distribucion de alimentos a residentes del area metropolitana con inseguridad alimentaria. Necesitamos voluntari@s que nos ayuden a contactar participantes para confirmar la fecha de distribucion, ayudar con la distribucion en las clinicas (en Rio Piedras y en Loiza) una vez al mes, y entrando datos.




Oportunidad de Becas para Estudio en Universidad Politécnica

Ariadna S. Rubio Lebrón's picture

Como parte de Cybersecurity Education Diversity Initiative for Minority Serving Institutions (CEDI-MSI) auspiciado por la National Security Administration se ofrecerán 15 becas para cursar estudios en la Universidad Politécnica de Puerto Rico. Las mismas serán para individuos que cumplan con los requisitos y deseen completar un certificado graduado en Database Security y Secure Operations (DASSO) o Digital Evidence and Auditing (DEA).





RUM professor receives grant from NSF for research in experimental particle physics

Elvin Joel Estrada Garcia's picture

Dr. Sudhir Malik, professor of the Physics Department of the Mayagüez Campus (RUM), received a grant of $ 375 thousand from the National Science Foundation (NSF) for the project called Physics beyond the Standard Model with the pixel detector CMS, which will allow you to continue your collaboration in the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment, which is carried out at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the largest and most powerful particle accelerator in the world, located in the European Laboratory of Particle Physics (CERN) on the Franco-Swiss border, near Geneva.

You can read the full story in the Spanish version of this post.

*** Multiple Post-Doc / Research Scientists Positions Available ***

Marcos Lopez's picture

WE ARE HIRING MULTIPLE POST-DOC/RESEARCH SCIENTISTS for our Puerto Rico COVID-19 Variant Surveillance Initiative (PRSCVI). If you have a background in biomedical sciences, biochemistry, molecular biology, virology, and or microbiology please apply. If you have experience with NGS (NANOPORE) and bioinformatics, we will like to hear from you!





Graduate Student Research Residency at DOE National Laboratories

Wilson Gonzalez-Espada's picture

Applications for the Office of Science Graduate Student Research (SCGSR) program are now open for 2021 Solicitation 2. Applications are due November 10, 2021 at 5:00 PM ET.

Apply at





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