Research Administrators Certification Council (RACC) Body of Knowledge Review Session


Saturday, 14 March 2015


University of Puerto Rico - Mayaguez Campus

At the University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez we are interested in having some of our staff achieve Certified Research Administrator (CRA) status.  We have requested the Research Administrators Certification Council (RACC) to offer one of their Body of Knowledge Review Sessions on our Campus, and would like to extend an invitation to anyone in Puerto Rico interested in participating.  The registration fee for the review session is $205 per person, and registration is encouraged byFebruary 20th(RACC reserves the right to cancel a review session if fewer than 15 register by this date).  For information, access  The date of the review is: 

March 14, 2015
University of Puerto Rico
Mayaguez Campus
All Day Event (Location To Be Announced)

For registration and payment, you can visit the following link:

For questions, contact, or 

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