Boricua scientist defends with art the representation of women of color in science

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La Dra. Semarhy Quiñones-Soto muestra la portada de la revista Química Analítica la

By Dr. Wilson González-Espada, Ciencia Puerto Rico

In January 2021, the American Chemical Society and its professional magazine Analytical Chemistry led the initiative "Art, Diversity and Inclusion". In it, the monthly cover highlights groups that are not commonly represented in science.

For the March 23 edition, Humacaeña scientist Dr. Semarhy Quiñones Soto was invited to draw the cover and publish an editorial explaining the reason for her creative work. Quiñones Soto combines her artistic work with her role as a Biological Sciences Instructor at California State University in Sacramento.

The complete story is available on the Spanish version of the website. 


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