They come together through shared interest in meteorology

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Wilfredo J. Burgos Matos / Taller de Estudiantes PRENSA RUM
The student chapter of the Meteorological Society of Puerto Rico organized the sixth Weather Fest on site Mayagüez Campus. (Photos / Provided to El Nuevo Día)

For the sixth consecutive year, the student chapter of the Meteorological Society of Puerto Rico (SMPR) of the University of Puerto Rico's Mayagüez Campus (UPR-M), conducted the Weather Fest, an event that brought together middle and high school students with the mission of creating an interest in the discipline that explores the atmosphere.

Zuleimary Rodriguez Velez, vice president and lead organizer of the group, explained that the initiative, which was coordinated by students assigned to the UPR-M Meteorology curriculum, receives 600 to 700 students annually.

"It is an interactive activity open to students around the country, as well as to the general community. We offer demonstrations of the University associations and government agencies. Moreover, those who have graduated return to serve as guides to the community in following years, " she explained.

The original news story is in Spanish. To read the full text, please click on the "Español" button below or the link at the top right of the page.


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