Job offer: Assistant professor Biology

Greetchen Díaz-Muñoz's picture


Concordia University, Nebraska

Assistant Professor of Biology

The Department of Natural Sciences is accepting applications for a faculty position in biology to begin fall 2013.  Responsibilities will include teaching, advising, curriculum development, and service to the University.   The candidate will be expected to teach a variety of courses and bring innovative ideas and leadership to help the department grow in fulfillment of the university's vision.  The major focus of this position will be teaching classes in microbiology, genetics, and/or developmental biology along with a willingness to expand his/her expertise and background in other areas. 


  • Earned doctorate in biology or related field preferred.
  • Able to demonstrate readiness to remain current in areas of teaching responsibility.
  • Ability to work well with colleagues from multiple departments in the university. 
  • Successful teaching experience.
  • Ability to demonstrate use of different technologies in the classroom.
  • Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod membership preferred.

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