Oportunidades de investigación subgraduada en la UPR Río Piedras

Mónica Ivelisse Feliú-Mójer's picture


Research Opportunities for Undergraduate Students

There are several ways in which you can gain research experience and participate in the exciting activities being carried out in the different labs. We suggest that you start talking to your professors, investigating about the research being conducted by our faculty, and checking the links that you will find below.

Research-based credits

Research-based credits for undergraduate students is offered through BIOL 4990 (Introduction to Research). This upper-level undergraduate course is designed to allow students gain credits (1 to 3 per semester, and a total of 6 during their academic career) while conducting research in the lab or field. Students are encouraged to take this course during their second and third semesters to provide continuity to their training and tap into other opportunities abroad such as summer internships.

Special Programs Stimulating Undergraduate Research

There are several programs in the College of Natural Sciences that actively recruit undergraduate students interested in gaining research experience. Most of these programs offer a stipend and cover travel expenses to attend scientific meetings. Each program has its own guidelines and requirements that can be examined following the links below

Minority Access to Research Careers (MARC)

The MARC program created by the National Institute of General Medical Sciences is aimed at facilitating the scientific development of minority students that are potentially interested in pursuing a Ph.D. in Biomedical Sciences. Students that have made significant progress in their study program are eligible to participate in UPR-RP MARC program.

Research Initiative for Scientific Enhancement

The RISE program is an initiative of the National Institutes of General Medical Sciences seeks to enhance the research environment at minority-serving institution by increasing the interests, skills, and competitiveness of students pursuing careers in biomedical research. It offers great opportunities to minority students in chemistry, biology, and mathematics that want to actively participate in biomedical research. Research areas include cellular biology, developmental biology, neurobiology, biotechnology, organic synthesis, natural products of marine organisms, biochemistry, and many others. The students receive a stipend that allows a full dedication to research. This stipend is of $3,900 (second year, 10 hours per week) and $5,200 (third and fourth years, 15 hours per week). In addition, the program offers diverse workshops, seminars, funds to visit other labs and attend meetings. Visit UPR-RP RISE Program for more information.

Research Experience for Undergraduate Students (REU)

The REU program is an initiative of the National Science Foundation to encourage the participation of undergraduate students in all the research areas supported by that institution. The program at UPRRP offers summer research opportunities for students interested in developing research projects in ecology of plant communities, soils, streams, evolution or population genetics.

Undergraduate Research Assistanships (URA)

Faculty with ongoing research projects often have funds to hire undergraduate students as research assistants. Students can work a maximum of eighteen (18) hours per week during the Fall and Spring semesters, and up to 37.5 hours per week during the Summer. Students are asked to participate in all the lab activities, in addition to completing the work that both the faculty and student have agreed on. We will keep you posted with available opportunities.


