Travel Fellowships - NIH Responsible Research Training of Trainers Conference

Giovanna Guerrero-Medina's picture


14th Annual Conference on Teaching Survival Skills and Ethics funded by the National Institutes of Health and the Office of Research Integrity Snowmass, Colorado 8-13 June 2008 We are writing to inform you of the availability of fellowships to support the attendance of individuals at the 14th Annual Conference on Teaching Survival Skills and Ethics to be held June 8-13, 2008, in Snowmass, Colorado. This trainer-of-trainers conference, which is funded by the National Institutes of Health and the Office of Research Integrity, is designed to prepare faculty and administrators to establish or improve instruction in the responsible conduct of research and in professional development (e.g., writing research articles and grant applications; making oral presentations and teaching; funding employment; hiring, supervising, and mentoring). Individuals attending the conference will receive an extensive set of lecture outlines, ethics cases, student handouts, readings, slides, and a comprehensive bibliography. Attendance is limited to 50 persons and applications are considered on a rolling basis. More information on the conference, including the application form, is available on our website
