Phase 3 trial of defibrotide for the treatment of severe veno-occlusive disease and multi-organ failure.

Eneida R Nemecek's picture
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TitlePhase 3 trial of defibrotide for the treatment of severe veno-occlusive disease and multi-organ failure.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsRichardson, PG, Riches, ML, Kernan, NA, Brochstein, JA, Mineishi, S, Termuhlen, AM, Arai, S, Grupp, SA, Guinan, EC, Martin, PL, Steinbach, G, Krishnan, A, Nemecek, ER, Giralt, S, Rodriguez, T, Duerst, R, Doyle, J, Antin, JH, Smith, A, Lehmann, L, Champlin, R, Gillio, A, Bajwa, R, D'Agostino, RB, Massaro, J, Warren, D, Miloslavsky, M, Hume, RL, Iacobelli, M, Nejadnik, B, Hannah, AL, Soiffer, RJ
Date Published2016 Mar 31
KeywordsAdolescent, Adult, Aged, Child, Child, Preschool, Cohort Studies, Female, Fibrinolytic Agents, Hepatic Veno-Occlusive Disease, Humans, Infant, Infant, Newborn, Male, Middle Aged, Multiple Organ Failure, Polydeoxyribonucleotides, Severity of Illness Index, Young Adult

Hepatic veno-occlusive disease (VOD), also called sinusoidal obstruction syndrome (SOS), is a potentially life-threatening complication of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). Untreated hepatic VOD/SOS with multi-organ failure (MOF) is associated with >80% mortality. Defibrotide has shown promising efficacy treating hepatic VOD/SOS with MOF in phase 2 studies. This phase 3 study investigated safety and efficacy of defibrotide in patients with established hepatic VOD/SOS and advanced MOF. Patients (n = 102) given defibrotide 25 mg/kg per day were compared with 32 historical controls identified out of 6867 medical charts of HSCT patients by blinded independent reviewers. Baseline characteristics between groups were well balanced. The primary endpoint was survival at day +100 post-HSCT; observed rates equaled 38.2% in the defibrotide group and 25% in the controls (23% estimated difference; 95.1% confidence interval [CI], 5.2-40.8;P= .0109, using a propensity-adjusted analysis). Observed day +100 complete response (CR) rates equaled 25.5% for defibrotide and 12.5% for controls (19% difference using similar methodology; 95.1% CI, 3.5-34.6;P= .0160). Defibrotide was generally well tolerated with manageable toxicity. Related adverse events (AEs) included hemorrhage or hypotension; incidence of common hemorrhagic AEs (including pulmonary alveolar [11.8% and 15.6%] and gastrointestinal bleeding [7.8% and 9.4%]) was similar between the defibrotide and control groups, respectively. Defibrotide was associated with significant improvement in day +100 survival and CR rate. The historical-control methodology offers a novel, meaningful approach for phase 3 evaluation of orphan diseases associated with high mortality. This trial was registered at as #.

Alternate JournalBlood
PubMed ID26825712
PubMed Central IDPMC4817309
Grant ListP01 CA023766 / CA / NCI NIH HHS / United States
P30 CA008748 / CA / NCI NIH HHS / United States