RNAi-mediated PTB depletion leads to enhanced exon definition.

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TitleRNAi-mediated PTB depletion leads to enhanced exon definition.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2002
AuthorsWagner, EJ, García-Blanco, MA
JournalMol Cell
Date Published2002 Oct
KeywordsBlotting, Western, Cell Line, Exons, Humans, Introns, Polypyrimidine Tract-Binding Protein, Receptor Protein-Tyrosine Kinases, Receptor, Fibroblast Growth Factor, Type 2, Receptors, Fibroblast Growth Factor, Regulatory Sequences, Ribonucleic Acid, RNA Interference, RNA Splicing, Transfection

Mutually exclusive use of exons IIIb or IIIc in FGF-R2 transcripts requires the silencing of exon IIIb. This repression is mediated by silencer elements upstream and downstream of the exon. Both silencers bind the polypyrimidine tract binding protein (PTB) and PTB binding sites within these elements are required for efficient silencing of exon IIIb. Recruitment of MS2-PTB fusion proteins upstream or downstream of exon IIIb causes repression of this exon. Depletion of endogenous PTB using RNAi increases exon IIIb inclusion in transcripts derived from minigenes and from the endogenous FGF-R2 gene. These data demonstrate that PTB is a negative regulator of exon definition in vivo.

Alternate JournalMol. Cell
PubMed ID12419237