Centro de Primates

Caribbean Primate Research Center receives $7.8 million

This article is reproduced by CienciaPR with permission from the original source.

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The Caribbean Primate Research Center of the University of Puerto Rico received a $7.8 million award from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to repair its facilities in Cayo Santiago, Humacao.

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MSC at UPR obtains 12.2 millions for scientific research

This article is reproduced by CienciaPR with permission from the original source.

CienciaPR Contribution: 



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The Center for Primate Investigations of the Carribean (CRPC) and the Medical Science Campus from the University of Puerto Rico (RCM), received 12.2 million dollars for scientific research from the NIH to be used in the next 5 years.

For the full article, please refer to the spanish version of this site.




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