
Carla Restrepo: Leaving a mark with ecological studies

Lorraine Doralys Rodriguez-Rivera's picture
Dr. Carla Restrepo

At some point in our lives we have asked questions regarding the environment, the animals that inhabit planet earth, and climatic conditions. How does an increase in temperature could affect some organisms? How do small changes in a specific environment can have a large-scale effect on our planet? How does human activity affect our bodies of water? These are some of the questions that Dr. Restrepo, an ecologist and professor in the Department of Biology at the University of Puerto Rico Río Piedras, is attempting to answer through her research projects.

National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis Open Science for Synthesis Training Course

Mónica Ivelisse Feliú-Mójer's picture
Open Science for Synthesis: Gulf Research Program is a hands-on data science course for both early career and established researchers to gain skills in data science, including scientific synthesis, reproducible science, and data management. These skills are critical for understanding the complex environmental, human, and energy systems in the Gulf of Mexico, especially following large disturbance events like the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in 2010.






Natasha De Leon Rodriguez's picture

Finding answers in nature

By: Natasha DeLeon-Rodriguez

Do you remember when your grandma gave you natural remedies when you were sick? Well, she may have a reason for it at the end of the day. Since early civilizations, it is very common to use plants or natural remedies to survive different diseases and illnesses. In current times, it may not be a common practice, but most of the medicines we use today, came from nature. Antibiotics, probiotics, analgesics, relaxants, have bio- derived components. We may not be aware of the diversity that exist in the world, which is still mostly unknown to us. And since, we are unaware of it, we are also not aware of the capabilities it may have in medicine or other areas.

Full-time Scientist position: The Holden Arboretum and Cleveland Botanical Garden

Gian Toyos's picture

The Holden Arboretum and Cleveland Botanical Garden invites applications
for a full time Scientist to conduct basic and applied research in plant
biology. We are targeting two particular areas of specialization: plant
community/restoration ecology and ecological genetics; we will select
the best candidate in either area.





Michigan statewide wildlife biologist for conservation partnership programs

Gian Toyos's picture

The Michigan Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is currently recruiting for a Wildlife Biology Specialist 13 position within the Wildlife Division.  This position is permanent and is located Lansing, MI.






Permanent Research Ecologist Position with USGS

Gian Toyos's picture

The USGS Fort Collins Science Center is seeking applications for a permanent research ecologist position (GS-12, GS-13, or GS-14) within the invasive species branch.  The position will focus on invasive species distribution and/ or abundance modeling.  We are seeking someone with strong technical skills and vision to continue to position USGS as a leader in this field.


Applications will be accepted through July 7.






Job: Part-time Ecology Research Technician in New Jersey

Gian Toyos's picture

The Department of Biology at The College of New Jersey invites applications
for an Ecology Research Technician (20 hours/week). The position will begin
in late August 2015 and continue through June 2016. The Ecology Research
Technician will perform skilled technical work to support a faculty research
program in suburban forest ecology and the ecology of plant-pathogen





The coqui's musical notes

This article is reproduced by CienciaPR with permission from the original source.

CienciaPR Contribution: 

The Professional is a member of CienciaPR

Luis Villanueva, doctoral candidate at Purdue University in Indiana, just published a study that looked at the acoustic niches used by coqui frogs. The study was published in the journal PeerJ.


The original version of this article is in Spanish. You can read it by clicking on ESPAÑOL at the top right of your screen.





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