
Science communication through social media

Elvin Joel Estrada Garcia's picture

As part of the 10th-anniversary celebration of Ciencia Puerto Rico, we have been collecting stories from our volunteers to celebrate them and the work they do while also sharing with you the team's vision for CienciaPR’s future.  We want to remind you that the crowdfunding campaign #ConCienciaPR is still active! If you haven’t had the chance yet, please help us continue with our science education and promotion initiatives.  Please visit to make your donation. Thanks!

Today, we share the story of Elvin Estrada of Peñuelas, who has been a volunteer for CienciaPR for almost 3 years.

Conferencia y Hackathon sobre equidad en educación STEM

Giovanna Guerrero-Medina's picture

Invitamos a estudiantes, profesores, profesionales y miembros del público a registrarse para participar de la primera conferencia de "Project Kaleidoscope" de la AACU a realizarse en PR. La misma tocará temas de equidad en las disciplinas STEM, cómo lograr mayor participación de estudiantes hispanos y féminas en las ciencias, mejores prácticas para la enseñanza de STEM, y cómo lograr un ambiente más inclusivo en los campos científicos y tecnológicos.





Illuminating science: Promoting the field of photonics in Puerto Rico

Luis Cedeno's picture
Dr. Jonathan Friedman

For one thousand years, we humans have been fascinated by light and by harnessing its power to develop new technologies. Light and optics are the basis of some the most important technologies of our time—from lasers, to fiber optics and telecommunications; from technologies to explore the cosmos, to applications to explore the world on a microscopic or even nanoscopic scale.  In honor of such an important area of research and knowledge, the year 2015 was proclaimed by the United Nations as the International Year of Light and Light-based Technologies (IYL).

Ana Helvia Quintero: A Borinqueña that has re-invented math education

Luis Enrique Valentín Alvarado's picture
Dr. Ana Helvia Quintero

In November 2013 we launched our Borinqueña initiative to broaden the discussion about women in science, technology, engineering and mathematics, and promote the participation of women in these disciplines and careers where they have traditionally been underrepresented. On our second Borinqueña anniversary, we dedicate our monthly story to Dr. Ana Helvia Quintero, a math loving Borinqueña, educator by vocation and profession that has fought (as a professor, researcher and within the sphere of public policy) so that our young people have access to the world of mathematics.

Yale bets on Ciencia Puerto Rico's model

This article is reproduced by CienciaPR with permission from the original source.

CienciaPR Contribution: 


The newly formed Yale Ciencia Initiative will expand access to scientific knowledge, experiences, and careers among communities or populations traditionally underrepresented in, or underserved by, the scientific enterprise, the university has announced.


Academia sabatina de robótica

Reyna I. Martínez De Luna's picture
El Laboratorio Multi-uso de Ciencia Integrada les invita a la Academia Sabatina de Robótica dirigida a estudiantes de 7mo y 8vo grado. En esta experiencia los estudiantes aprenderán y aplicarán los conceptos matemáticos y científicos para la programación y diseño de robots. Espacios limitados a 25.





American Society for Microbiology-Education Curriculum Fellowship

Greetchen Díaz-Muñoz's picture


The American Society for Microbiology's Education Department has an opening for an ASM Headquarter (HQ) Fellow. The Department offers conferences, professional development, fellowships, guidelines, a journal, and online resources and communities.  The Fellow will have the opportunity to learn about and gain experience with a wide range of educational projects for students, trainees, educators and science faculty.     






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