huracán Irma

US federal government response to the hurricanes was larger and faster in Texas and Florida than in Puerto Rico.

Carlos De Leon's picture

Researchers from the Department of Health Management and Policy from the University of Michigan School of Public Health in collaboration with the Department of Political Science from the University of Utah published a study quantifying and comparing the US federal disaster response to the 2017 hurricanes that affected Texas (Harvey), Florida (Irma) and Puerto Rico (Maria). They analyzed the response during the first 6 months after the hurricanes made landfall in the study published in the peer-reviewed scientific journal BMJ Global Health.

El Cambio Climático, los Huracanes y la Salud

Caribbean Youth Environment Network (CYEN-PR)'s picture

Por: Amy Orta-Rivera, M.A.

El cambio climático trae cambios en temperatura, cambios en los patrones de precipitación, aumento del nivel del mar, olas de calor, reducción en los suministros de agua, entre otros. Y son estos cambios los que pueden alterar nuestra salud y a su vez la calidad de vida que tenemos o que queremos llevar.

Injured beaches: erosion amplifies after Irma

This article is reproduced by CienciaPR with permission from the original source.

CienciaPR Contribution: 



Kenneth Matos

Maritza Barreto Orta, marine geologist, explained that the damage caused by the wind and wave impact of Hurricane Irma, has led to an amplification in the beach erosion of the northeast of the Island.

For the full article, please refer to the Spanish version of this site.



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