Lecciones en línea del kit Ciencia al Servicio


Lecciones en línea del kit Ciencia al Servicio

Gracias por la información. Ahora, presiona los enlaces abajo para descargar las lecciones y empezar a explorar el mundo de la ciencia y la tecnología.

Elemental o Taller I y II Montessori 

  • Libro de actividades Achú - Actividades para estudiantes sobre los virus, la prevención e higiene. Desarollado por El Fideicomiso de Salud Pública de PR. 
  • Actividad sobre gérmenes - Contiene actividades sobre la propagación de gérmenes y la importancia del lavado de manos. Desarollado por El Fideicomiso de Salud Pública de PR. 

Lecciones en línea del kit Ciencia al Servicio

Lecciones en línea del kit Ciencia al Servicio

Abajo encontrarás lecciones de ciencia y tecnología divertidas para hacer en casa. ¿Quieres descargárlas? Presiona aquí para acceder los recursos:

Elemental o Taller I y II Montessori 

  • Libro de actividades Achú - Actividades para estudiantes sobre los virus, la prevención e higiene. Desarollado por El Fideicomiso de Salud Pública de PR. 
  • Actividad sobre gérmenes - Contiene actividades sobre la propagación de gérmenes y la importancia del lavado de manos. Desarollado por El Fideicomiso de Salud Pública de PR. 

Ciencia al Servicio "Kit" for STEM educators

As part of its initiative for STEM educators in response to natural disasters, CienciaPR have designed a prototype of an "emergency kit"  for teachers containing accessible and reproducible educational material, with content aligned  to  the Department of Education' of Puerto Rico’s science and math standards (and with the ability to align to other subject standards)  for  elementary, intermediate and higher levels (regular and Montessori), along with guidelines for its implementation. Educational material can be used outside the traditional classroom and does not require the use of electrical power, and/or advanced technology. Materials in each "kit" can cover content for approximately 3-5 months.  

Natural Disaster Response for STEM Educators in Puerto Rico: How to help?

Greetchen Díaz-Muñoz's picture

When a natural disaster affects the physical structure of classrooms and schools, the continuity of education is typically impacted. Depending on the severity of the disaster, educators and students may spend long periods without teaching or learning. This has been the case for Puerto Rico, an archipelago located in a geographical area vulnerable to climate change, and exposed to storms, hurricanes and seismic activity.

Post-Hurricane PBL Lessons (NSF)

CienciaPR, in partnership with Yale University, is carrying out a project funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF). The project titled "Evaluation of disaster-related science lesson plans to promote learning continuity after Hurricane Maria", has two main phases:

A. Training teachers and middle school principals to implement PBL science lessons relevant to Puerto Rican culture and related to challenges after the hurricane (drinking water and terrestrial ecosystems)

B. Research a sample of trained schools, with the objective of:

(1) Studying the feasibility to implement science lessons that integrate project-based learning (PBL), after a natural disaster, such as a hurricane.

(2) Studying the impact on participating students on their attitudes towards science and their role in the search for solutions.

Ciencia al Servicio 2019-2020

¿Participaste del taller de verano de Ciencia al Servicio 2019?


¡Excelente! Ahora debes continuar los próximos pasos para completar TODAS las etapas del proyecto 




Profesionales STEM


Aquí encontrarás los recursos de Ciencia Al Servicio​ 2019-2020 para que puedas completar el proyecto. Recibirás una notificación por correo electrónico cuando completes cada etapa (1 al 4). 

Scientists and teachers come together to empower students to put "Science in Service of Puerto Rico"

Mónica Ivelisse Feliú-Mójer's picture

SAN JUAN, PR - For the past two days, more than 50 teachers and 15 scientists received training and designed educational lessons so that students from the Puerto Rican archipelago can put "Science in Service of Puerto Rico" (Ciencia al Servicio de Puerto Rico). Teachers and researchers participated in the inaugural workshop of the project of the same name, which was created and is led by the non-profit organization Ciencia Puerto Rico (CienciaPR).


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