seeds of success

Semillas de Triunfo launches second chapter in Connecticut

Viviana S Flores-Rivera's picture


CienciaPR's executive director Greetchen Díaz Muñoz always dreamed of growing Semillas de Triunfo, one of the organization's flagship programs, outside of Puerto Rico. This past Saturday, January 25, 2025, ten years after founding the program, her yearning to create seedbeds of girls leaders in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) in other regions was fulfilled with the launch of the second chapter of Semillas de Triunfo in New Haven, Connecticut, known as Seeds of Success-New Haven.

Seeds of Success-New Haven is being conducted in collaboration with Yale University. It is being led there by Carolina Machado, project manager, and Giovanna Guerrero Medina, former executive director of CienciaPR and now a senior advisor to the organization. 

Peer-reviewed paper highlights impact of our program Seeds of Success

Wilson Gonzalez-Espada's picture

Science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) careers are growing at an accelerated pace and pay well. However, Puerto Rican women are still underrepresented in these fields, especially in engineering, physical and computer sciences. 
The "Semillas de Triunfo" (Seeds of Success) program of the organization Ciencia Puerto Rico, offers each school year, a complementary curriculum with the goal of increasing girls' exposure to science, meeting Puerto Rican and Latina scientists who serve as mentors and role models, connecting STEM fields with the culture and context of their communities, and helping girls develop leadership skills and see themselves as capable of being successful in these disciplines.


Greetchen Díaz-Muñoz's picture

The nonprofit organization distributed a total of 250 posters and other educational materials about Puerto Rican and Latina women in science, technology, engineering and mathematics to be displayed in schools and to expose young people to culturally relevant role models.

From Girl Leaders to Women Leaders in Science

Greetchen Díaz-Muñoz's picture

On February 11 the world celebrates International Day of Women and Girls in Science. This day, which recognizes the crucial role of women and girls in science and technology, was established in 2016 through a resolution of the United Nations General Assembly. Some of the most relevant points of this resolution, in my opinion, are the promotion of (1) full and equal participation for women and girls, both in their education, as well as their work environment and (2) full participation by women and girls in decision making in science.

Forging an education at the service of Puerto Rico

Greetchen Díaz-Muñoz's picture

We are launching the Educación al Servicio (Education in Service) Blog! To being, we would like to review our CienciaPR initiatives and contributions in the area of STEM Education (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) and how these have evolved to influence the educational environment within and outside the classroom.

From the website to the classroom

Following your passion

Mónica Ivelisse Feliú-Mójer's picture

Last Saturday will stay with me forever. It was September 5th, 2015 and I had traveled to Puerto Rico (3,600+ miles and over 10 hours) for the second workshop of the Semillas de Triunfo (Seeds of Success) STEM Ambassadors Program, in Humacao. This program, created by Ciencia Puerto Rico in collaboration with Yale University and the Amgen Foundation, gives middle school girls the opportunity to learn about careers in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) and explore how through these disciplines they can become leaders and agents of change in their communities. The program is near and dear to my heart and me and my colleagues have been working really hard on it (three workshops down, one to go).

CienciaPR inicia talleres para forjar a las futuras científicas de Puerto Rico

Mónica Ivelisse Feliú-Mójer's picture

San Juan, Puerto Rico. – La organización sin fines de lucro Ciencia Puerto Rico (CienciaPR), la Universidad Yale, y la Fundación Amgen darán inicio a la serie de talleres del programa “Semillas de Triunfo” que le brindará la oportunidad a niñas de séptimo a noveno grado de adentrarse al mundo de las  carreras en ciencia, tecnología, ingeniería y matemáticas (STEM, por sus siglas en inglés). Los talleres que comienzan este próximo sábado, 22 de agosto en el Recinto de Ciencias Médicas en San Juan, serán liderados por un grupo de científicas e ingenieras puertorriqueñas destacadas en sus campos profesionales y que buscan inspirar a  una nueva generación de “Niñas Embajadoras en STEM” para beneficio de sus comunidades.

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