Tasha Marie Santiago Rodriguez

TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
BibliographiesEnterophages, a group of phages infecting Enterococcus faecalis, and their potential as alternate indicators of human faecal contamination. Tasha Marie Santiago Rodriguez19 years 1 month ago
BibliographiesCharacterization of Enterococcus faecalis-infecting phages (enterophages) as markers of human fecal pollution in recreational waters. Tasha Marie Santiago Rodriguez09 years 1 month ago
BibliographiesMicrobial quality of tropical inland waters and effects of rainfall events. Tasha Marie Santiago Rodriguez09 years 1 month ago
BibliographiesEvaluation of Enterococcus-infecting phages as indices of fecal pollution. Tasha Marie Santiago Rodriguez09 years 1 month ago
BibliographiesMicrobial communities in pre-columbian coprolites. Tasha Marie Santiago Rodriguez09 years 1 month ago
BibliographiesAntibiotic-resistance and virulence genes in Enterococcus isolated from tropical recreational waters. Tasha Marie Santiago Rodriguez09 years 1 month ago
BibliographiesSociomicrobiome of wood decay in a tropical rain forest: unraveling complexity. Tasha Marie Santiago Rodriguez09 years 1 month ago
BibliographiesluxS in bacteria isolated from 25- to 40-million-year-old amber. Tasha Marie Santiago Rodriguez09 years 1 month ago
BibliographiesData on ancient microorganisms causes skepticism. Tasha Marie Santiago Rodriguez09 years 1 month ago
BibliographiesAltered oral viral ecology in association with periodontal disease. Tasha Marie Santiago Rodriguez09 years 1 month ago
BibliographiesProspective epidemiological pilot study on the morbidity of bathers exposed to tropical recreational waters and sand. Tasha Marie Santiago Rodriguez09 years 1 month ago
BibliographiesPaleomicrobiology: revealing fecal microbiomes of ancient indigenous cultures. Tasha Marie Santiago Rodriguez09 years 1 month ago
BibliographiesThe human urine virome in association with urinary tract infections. Tasha Marie Santiago Rodriguez09 years 1 month ago
BibliographiesBacteriophage and their potential roles in the human oral cavity. Tasha Marie Santiago Rodriguez09 years 1 month ago
BibliographiesGlobal transcription of CRISPR loci in the human oral cavity. Tasha Marie Santiago Rodriguez09 years 1 month ago
BibliographiesIdentification of staphylococcal phage with reduced transcription in human blood through transcriptome sequencing. Tasha Marie Santiago Rodriguez09 years 1 month ago
BibliographiesTranscriptome analysis of bacteriophage communities in periodontal health and disease. Tasha Marie Santiago Rodriguez09 years 1 month ago
