Member Bibliography/Bibliografía de Miembros

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Filters: Autor is Huang, W.  [Clear All Filters]
«CRRL/CTC: Doppler-free saturation-absorption and polarization spectroscopy for resonance fluorescence Doppler lidars», in Proceedings of the 24$^th$ International Laser Radar Conference, 2008, vol. II, p. 809.
«Faraday filter: A comparison between hot and cold cell design», in Proceedings of the 24$^th$ International Laser Radar Conference, 2008, vol. II, p. 835.
«A high-resolution spectroscopy test-station for a Faraday anomalous dispersion optical bandpass filter». 2008.
«MRI: A mobile Fe-resonance/Rayleigh/Mie Doppler LIDAR for global wind and temperature profiling», AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, p. F254+, 2008.
«MRI: mobile Fe-resonance/Rayleigh/Mie Doppler lidar principle, design, and analysis», in Proceedings of the 24$^th$ International Laser Radar Conference, 2008, vol. II, p. 801.